


  • #5706 cc_check=repeat option for MPEG-TS capture can help with desync on CC errors.
  • #8494 Added reporting of input MPEG-TS errors to the stream.stats.input API.
  • #19724 Auto-tuning MPEG-TS CBR bitrate to avoid trimming.
  • #33733 Changed EZDRM API to CPIX 2.1.
  • #41299 Unified configuration of transcoder with media_info structure.
  • #42588 Our appliance can now format DVR disks and can be used for video surveillance.
  • #42962 Now labels from the auth backend will be passed to play session telemetry to mark different session meanings.
  • #43081 Disk management is now available in the chassis interface. You can mount, unmount, and format disks.
  • #43468 Added telemetry for input MPEG-TS PID loss.
  • #43649 Changed CDN for hosting firmware images.
  • #43748 Updated firmware server to the latest v3 API, changed provider.


  • #41873 Added pusher status to know if it is active or waiting in standby mode.
  • #42245 Added monitoring for HTTP proxies that are used for running watcher behind the streamer.
  • #42285 Enabled support for Lutra on ASUS platform in slots 10+.
  • #43139 Now NDI support package is called ndi-bridge.
  • #43240 Now the UI accepts NDI inputs in the format in which they are provided.
  • #43549 Full Erlang 27 support.


  • #42170 Now can play audio and video from OBS via NDI.
  • #42241 Fixed ping-pong mechanism for connected Agent.
  • #42569 Enhanced retransmit packets on SRT handshake.
  • #42719 Fixed stopping NDI reader on helper exit.
  • #43031 Fixed the display of the archive on the timeline when navigating through the calendar.
  • #43033 Fixed playback on relaunch.
  • #43065 Now we display the output link with wss instead of ws for the MSE-LD protocol if HTTPS is enabled.
  • #43104 Fixed bug when switching sources got hang with allow_if enabled.
  • #43423 Added non-blocking read to ST2110 to avoid system blocking.
  • #43624 Implemented the display of multiple hosts with DVR backups instead of just one.
  • #43672 Fixed invalid usage of max_bitrate option in WebRTC ABR publishing, introduced new option abr_max_bitrate.
  • #43725 Fixed pausing of the video when dragging an enlarged video.
  • #43758 Reduced useless duplicates of telemetry records sent to Retroview server.
  • #43767 Fixed memory leakage introduced in mid of 24.09.
  • #43822 Fixed memory leakage introduced in mid of 24.09.
  • #44255 Fixed the display of the media server upgrade button.
  • #36957 Removed useless delay in WebVTT subtitles from the VOD content.
  • #41319 Added prefer_video_profile for thin configuration of WebRTC handshake.


  • #41766 Added new stream creation API.
  • #42314 Each camera now has a unique root password.
  • #43339 Added telemetry for monitoring episode cleanup operations.
  • #43611 Added folder_id field to the stream object.
  • #43612 Added filters for streams_list by folder_id and preset_id.
  • #43705 Support for getting agents lists via Watcher Admin API.
  • #43711 Added filter by name in Persons API v3.
  • #43719 Watcher cluster stats return storage information.
  • #43883 Fixed the display of the name in the branded apps.
  • #43923 Added a menu to the iOS app.
  • #43963 Fixed the color scheme in the branded apps.
  • #43971 Added alert for Watcher on VSAAS.IO.
  • #44049 Added PTZ controller for Streams API v3.


  • #39098 Added collection of metrics for the delivery speed of episodes from the moment they are recognized to the moment they are displayed in Watcher.
  • #43406 Fixed push sender for your devices.
  • #42023 Implemented switching between display modes for the camera list in the new interface.
  • #43115 The “My Cameras” menu item now links to the new interface.
  • #43251 Implemented the RAID 0 option in the DVR streamer settings.
  • #43253 Added an example of how to configure Iris Camera via API.
  • #43436 Support for getting layout information of streams via Watcher Admin API.
  • #43445 Fixed issue with VSAAS.IO performance degradation.
  • #43457 The new Iris API now has the /iris/api/v2/ path prefix.
  • #43474 Improved database monitoring on VSAAS.IO service.
  • #43479 Implemented the display of interface elements according to user permissions on the camera list page in the new interface.
  • #43505 Removed unnecessary event cleanup processes and turned off JIT.
  • #43520 Fixed issues with the inability to log in and activate agents.
  • #43545 Fixed deployment tags for Peeklio.
  • #43551 Improved monitoring of the agent provisioning service.
  • #43553 Fixed issue with changing role in not working.
  • #43563 Added permission flag can_add_camera in profile.
  • #43636 Implemented the General Settings section in the new camera editing interface.
  • #43638 Implemented the Administration Settings section in the new camera editing interface.
  • #43650 Fixed the functionality of agents in the Watcher-Standalone by adding the missing location in the NGINX configuration.
  • #43783 When updating all versions, added the deletion of the entire VISION block and all parameters in the VSAAS block (except for those in the schema).
  • #43799 Implemented a redirect to the old UI when navigating via a direct link to the camera list if the camera display method was selected as tree or mosaic.
  • #43819 Added routing to streams from FCM push notifications.
  • #43894 Added validation for the raid field in API version 3 for the streamers.
  • #43911 Added health check to Watcher Admin API v3 and fixed 502 errors during Flussonic-Watcher loading.


  • #43586 Fixed the positioning of the login form.
  • #43588 Fixed sending telemetry metrics.
  • #43626 Fixed the work export to embed token.
  • #43627 Resolved some troubles with motion episodes.
  • #43666 Fixed sending the retention time of event thumbnails when editing a preset.
  • #43681 Fixed requesting camera previews even with auto-refresh disabled on the camera list page.
  • #43720 Fixed the organization filter on the camera list page.
  • #43721 Added support for filtering by multiple organization_id values in the streams_list API (v3).
  • #43735 Deleted a deprecated vision setting in flussonic.conf.
  • #43744 The new search now finds cameras by partial name, camera title, and notes.
  • #43749 Fixed recursive requests in the database.
  • #43776 Restored the ability to open the camera page by right-clicking or using the mouse wheel.
  • #43785 Fixed provision push URLs.
  • #43793 Fixed video analytics stalls on some streams.
  • #43882 Removed unnecessary headers in the camera access settings interface for organization users.
  • #43888 Fixed the disabling of the RAID 0 option in the DVR streamer settings.
  • #43904 Fixed the ability to delete the camera’s sub-stream.
  • #43933 Removed the requirement to enter the operator ID in the branded app.
  • #44208 Fixed removal of transcode_audio_codec field from stream in API v3.
  • #43245 Used stream’s timestamps for episodes to display episodes’ video fragments more precisely in time.
  • #42533 Implemented the use of the same default color scheme for both the new and old interfaces.
  • #16597 Implemented a person filter for episodes in the face detector tab.
  • #39491 Fixed the camera search in the camera list. You can now search for cameras by partial name.
  • #40691 Returned the disk volume indicator for streamers in the health status.
  • #41126 Added sync fsync(fd) call on disk write. Now recordings are more tolerant to power failures.
  • #43071 Fixed missing descriptions in the camera access settings in the Users section.
  • #43298 Added the ability to update existing configurations in stream imports.
  • #43299 Fixed episode’s open time changes over time.
  • #43366 Fixed an issue where QR detection worked constantly.
  • #43424 Optimized the request for fetching event_subscriptions for streams.
  • #43482 Fixed the issue where, when audio transcoding was turned on to AAC format, the audio in the player did not work.
  • #43503 Added removal of the label from the stream.


  • #37392 Added storage metric collection in the cluster_stats_get operation to get occupied disk space.
  • #38213 Upgraded CI/CD linter to the newest version.
  • #42036 Researched the possibilities of the Flussonic cluster for its further replacement by Central.
  • #42248 Added a new endpoint to retrieve agent logs.
  • #42845 Added the ability to optionally disable workers and HTTP/HTTPS servers to prepare for multi-instance launch in Kubernetes.
  • #42857 Fully moved config-external to the database to enhance multi-instance installation capability.
  • #43915 Removed confusing info logs containing the word “error.”


  • #43412 Shielded the characters of the database password in the config_get endpoint.
  • #43418 Replaced single queries on streams and their stats to the database with group queries, improving speed and reducing the load on the database.
  • #43483 Combined database queries that receive data about streams one by one into group queries to reduce the load on the database.
  • #43494 Returned stream stats to the database as a fix for system performance degradation.
  • #43714 Fixed a bug where the bytes_from_server and bytes_to_server fields were not updated.
  • #43809 Returned agent stats to memory from the database to fix CPU load growth due to numerous requests to the database.


  • #42302 Fixed a bug that, in rare cases, could raise a critical error caused by competitive read/write access to a map.
  • #43336 Fixed the Streampoint unavailability bug caused by deleting information that the agent is connected.
  • #43401 Removed unused indices from the central.episodes table to free up disk space.
  • #43690 Fixed a bug that caused streams to be displayed as not alive, caused by overwriting the stream’s stats with those from a streamer not ingesting that stream.
  • #43715 Fixed an error where the stream alive attribute was not taken into account in cluster stats.
  • #43866 Fixed the execution time growth of the external_episodes_list operation.
  • #43916 Fixed a bug that caused the agent’s endpoint_connection to be irrelevant.
  • #44011 Reduced the default Central configuration file /etc/central/central.conf and changed the default value for LAYOUTER_FAILOVER_ENABLED to false.



  • #33887 added extended dvr stats to API.
  • #38527 SRT playback will now be cbr.
  • #39124 added infrastructure for launching Docker images on our hardware.
  • #39721 Added playback control and video rewind by tapping.
  • #40214 Now can filter tracks on copy protocol: input copy://original?filter.tracks=a1.
  • #41718 Now you can double-click the camera in the mosaic to view it on the whole screen.
  • #41767 TEI flag will be sent in MPEG-TS if not enough pid bitrate allocated for media and frames are trimmed.
  • #42224 Now can launch Watcher on our hardware Coder.
  • #42374 ts_overflow indication will be raised in multiplexer stats if no stuffing was made during last second.


  • #25445 Better handling of situation when HLS playlist is requested, but source just became dead.
  • #36439 Debug stream now supports RTMP ingest.
  • #40622 Added warning for listeners about the consequences of network configuration changes.
  • #41063 Completely removed obsolete flv:// ingest protocol.
  • #41138 Added an option to check the streamer’s functionality in the streamer’s settings.
  • #42454 Better handling of firmware version upgrade when bumping streamer version.
  • #42635 Activation page will now work even if non-empty configuration overrides are applied with extra files.
  • #42653 Initial implementation of ST2110 push and ingest available in the streamer.
  • #42207 Twice speedup in periodical config_external refresh. Suitable for 2000+ streams.
  • #43242 Removed bunch of deprecated fields from OpenAPI that were scheduled for deletion long ago.
  • #42208 10 times optimized streams_list API call.
  • #41510 Last warning about dvr locks deprecation.
  • #42553 Now episodes_expiration is added to expiration option. Mention that your used disk space will grow.


  • #15363 Now trimmed bytes and trimmed frames are displayed for the multiplexer, its PIDs, and its pushes.
  • #18581 Reorganized transcoder schemas to show possible sample rates per each audio codec.
  • #37395 Fixed invalid recognition of I letter as | in DVB subtitles.
  • #41432 Fixed reading invalid pixel_format from Streamlabs SDI card.
  • #41433 Fixed the appearance of controls in embed.html when the ‘from’ parameter is passed.
  • #41607 Fixed the redirection to the source page after its creation.
  • #41902 The Algorithm field now correctly displays the previously saved value.
  • #41911 Fixed the display of a source with error in the streams list.
  • #41936 Fixed the fullscreen mode in iPhone Safari.
  • #41939 Fixed the creation of a screenshot for iPhone in Safari.
  • #41941 Fixed the time line scaling under iPhone in Safari.
  • #41962 Fixed the disappearance of export controls.
  • #41967 Fixed calendar button display.
  • #42056 Fixed rewind from a keyboard.
  • #42144 Fixed leakage in application RAID database. Added script for manual database cleaning.
  • #42173 NDI ingest now can be linked to SDI output.
  • #42368 Fixed invalid restart_required message in UI.
  • #42389 Fixed the frame-by-frame navigation buttons.
  • #42429 Returned the streamer selection to the stream settings
  • #42434 Added duplicated sending of SRT handshake to enhance connecting to YouTube
  • #42550 Removed X-Config-Server-Episodes headers from central response schema.
  • #42599 Fixing support for vbi capture on streamlabs SDI.
  • #42809 Fixed the timeline display to show 5-minute intervals instead of one hour.


  • #35494 We now display users’ service provider contacts in the new interface.
  • #39231 Added labels for streams.
  • #40880 Now you can control the permission to download the archive when sharing.
  • #41226 Added recognition of Israel license plates.
  • #41553 Ingenic T31 agent support.
  • #41794 Added a command create stream /opt/flussonic/contrib/watcher create_stream.
  • #42026 Now you can use the filter by name and name_like in the api v3 watcher users_list.
  • #42125 Iris firmware is available for JVS-H950E camera.
  • #42295 Added registration page to
  • #42377 Context search added to Watcher.
  • #42378 Added a contextual search to the episodes page for testing purpose.
  • #42436 Now you can download and try the release and rolling version of the available on DockerHub flussonic/watcher.
  • #42525 Added the deletion of face events based on the set archive depth settings and event records.
  • #42737 Implemented QR detection on fh8852.
  • #42943 В API появилась возможность клиентам включать/отключать возможность доступа к архиву в плеер. При создании shared_token.
  • #42944 Added the allow_export option to manage the display of the archive download interface.
  • #42945 An option to allow or disallow archive downloading has been added to the sharing settings of the admin camera list.
  • #42949 Auxiliary images such as PostgreSQL and Redis have been reduced in size and uploaded to the Docker Hub public repository.
  • #43070 By default, all episode types are now displayed in the mobile app.
  • #43084 Agent is added to jvs-h950e firmware.
  • #43088 Added PTZ control for jvs-h950e camera.


  • #41507 Added a new page with presets.
  • #40135 Now the same menu in the new and old Watcher interfaces.
  • #42006 Added an import method for bulk adding camera configurations in JSON and CSV format.
  • #42021 Added the organization_id, dvr, vision, onvif fields to the stream and filtering by them in the list.
  • #42039 Refactored PTZ control via web API.
  • #42267 Fixed issue with APK not installing over version from Google Play.
  • #42290 Added page with versions of Iris components.
  • #42464 Videoanalytics docker images are now available at dockerhub.
  • #42939 Reduced the size of the watcher image in dockerhub.
  • #43222 The export option is now enabled by default when selecting DVR in the sharing settings of the admin camera list.
  • #43086 Motion detector is implemented on fh8852.


  • #40418 Fixed the issue where not all available organizations were displayed when editing a user.
  • #34115 Fixed the camera display in mosaics when the camera’s substream is enabled.
  • #31446 Fixed the display of ONVIF parameters when editing the camera.* #41271 (improved) Fixed black borders on videos in the embed.
  • #39867 Now you can configure raid via Watcher API
  • #40121 Accelerated the calculation of the number of active NVRs if a large number of servers were added.
  • #40927 Fixed infinite loading when unable to add an advertisement.
  • #41713 Fixed the display of episode previews in Safari.
  • #42014 Fixed the display and playback of the episode on mobile device.
  • #42091 Fixed the return of dvr info in the stream stats.
  • #42313 Iris serial number now is more stable (we’re using hardware id or mac address).
  • #42352 Fixed searching for cameras in the events list.
  • #42383 Fixed detection of emergency vehicles.
  • #42425 Optimized episodes cleanup. Now disk space won’t fill up quickly due to slow cleanup.
  • #42481 Fixed the problem of deleting episodes earlier than the archive.
  • #42491 Fixed the issue where not all available organizations were displayed when editing the camera.
  • #42498 Fixed bug with password reset.
  • #42509 Fixed an incorrect handling of face identification request.
  • #42540 Fixed the return of the preview format for people, now the user will see photos of people instead of gray squares.
  • #42636 Fixed the streamer was not displayed in the camera settings.
  • #42645 Fixed receiving ONVIF data.
  • #42730 Fixed the search function in the admin camera list.
  • #42743 Fixed broken initial network configuration on JVS-CR1 camera.
  • #42777 Fixed the activation of recognition on the camera.
  • #42780 Added the ability to view episodes found by context search.
  • #42795 Fixed an incorrect response when an error occurred in the streamer_save request.
  • #42926 Fixed bug with episodes not display in mobile app.
  • #42930 Fixed a bug that disabled cameras were being played and archived.
  • #42985 The episode filter by episode start date now accounts for boundary values.
  • #42995 Fixed the dvr depth limit when viewing the camera by the user.
  • #43039 Fixed stuck on applying Wi-Fi settings.
  • #43169 Export has become available for old shares tokens.
  • #43304 We fixed the watcher update from version lower than 23.04, which was caused by the removal of the outdated database parameter in the flussonic.conf.configuration. We also fixed the issue that caused watcher to not start when there was no connection to the license server.
  • #43338 Fixed memory leak on fh8852.


  • #30507 Three new enpoint have been added to send a reset, reboot, disconnect request to the agent.


  • #40401 Added opentelemetry_url configuration to setup tracing. Tracer configuration is not deprecated.
  • #42937 Reduced flussonic/central image size.
  • #42485 The logic of the episodes_expiration field has been improved. The episodes_expiration field now specifies the duration for retaining episodes after the archive becomes outdated and purged, instead of simply defining how long episodes should be kept.


  • #42323 Added collection of stats.dvr_info, to view dvr recordings.
  • #42423 Fixed episodes search filter by “license_plate_text” field.
  • #42618 Fixed a bug where faces are not identified in an episode.
  • #42798 Fixed an issue where the running_on field was not returned in the get_stream request.
  • #43072 Fixed behavior of streamer_dynamic_streams_list and streamer_update_streams_list operations so that disabled streams are not returned. With this change disabled streams will not be captured.
  • #43074 Fixed a regression occured by returning an incorrect episodes_url in config-external that caused the DVR not to clear.
  • #43174 Fixed filters in the cursor.



  • #4206 added limitation of available dvr depth controlled by auth backend
  • #6845 user_agent auth configuration option will now allow on partial match. Use external http backend for exact match.
  • #14460 created tool for validating input mbr udp:
  • #15314 NDI ingest support added
  • #33179 refactored coder firmware structure for custom layers support
  • #38904 removed AJA SDI card support.
  • #40388 The DVR player can now be installed via NPM or connected via CDN
  • #40939 new firmware infrastructure that allows plugins and can be used for variable appliances
  • #41222 Added the standby option to the UI of the multiplexer pushes
  • #41477 Now you can load the firmware through the chassis interface.


  • #12236 added unified debugging tool contrib/input.erl for all protocols
  • #25759 removed obsolete push udp1://, there is only one udp pusher now.
  • #38443 Fixed the display of the message ‘NO DVR RECORDING HERE’ when there is actually a recording
  • #38000 fixed problems with connecting to Arimix RTSP camera via agent
  • #39283 lutra module can boot now Jetson TX2 NX
  • #39667 split push protocols in OpenAPI schema into different choices
  • #40225 enhanced calculation of frame duration in Jetson and Nvidia encoders. More stable calculation of segment duration for DASH
  • #40302 fixed double SRT key generation on handshake
  • #41241 ranges_list now can return reduced amount of ranges, selected by from-to borders and resolution
  • #41389 now api/v3/streams/NAME/stop will stop dvr state also
  • #42122 deleted crossdomain.xml from package
  • #42176 changed NDI sources from “host (name)” to “host/name”


  • #20807 enhanced resampling AAC 44110 to Opus 48000
  • #39106 added handling of different srt key sizes
  • #34392 fixed playback from buggy RTSP camera that sends audio in SDP but doesn’t send it in RTP
  • #34573 fixed rare bug with publishing via RTMP from Elemental
  • #34780 enhanced playback of 3-line subtitles
  • #39483 better handling of invalid RTMP message from OBS
  • #40036 lutra now is working in NVME Asus chassis
  • #40101 fixed generation of empty subtitles on DASH DVR playback
  • #40240 fixed migration of RAID between disks when have streams with broken index
  • #40269 Fixed the inability to view the archive when the source is currently unavailable
  • #40276 now pushers will restart on reconfiguration instead of silent work with old config
  • #40334 added workaround for buggy IDIS cameras that send RTP before PLAY request
  • #40368 fixed crash in udp pusher while capturing PCMA/Opus audio from IP camera
  • #40406 fixed error handling of play/publish to disabled stream via rtmp
  • #40815 Fixed the timeline display indicating that the archive doesn’t exist when it actually does
  • #40912 allow configuring timeout of cluster interconnect
  • #40924 Fixed IP and protocol display in stream list.
  • #40959 fixed regression with endless restart of transcoder. Added better protection from broken H264 stream
  • #40969 Fixed infinite loader at the stream save button.
  • #41073 Fixed the application error when entering the Central stream page.
  • #41194 Fixed the display of video loading indicator on top of already playing video
  • #41287 ehnanced configuring VBI lines from UI
  • #41376 Fixed DVR player installation via Yarn.
  • #41484 fixed memory leakage in MPEG-TS UDP pusher
  • #41492 fixed publication from Harmonic Electra XT via RTMP
  • #41552 fixed invalid generation of S3 Auth signature
  • #41575 config validator will pass same udp groups with different bind ips
  • #41611 Fixed the part of archive download.
  • #41616 added workaround for buggy RTMP source, sending invalid frame tags
  • #41617 fixed regression with timeout on streams_list method due to extremely long ranges list
  • #41662 added protection from removing episodes earlier than episodes_duration from DVR when config_external is not responding
  • #41737 enhanced opentelemetry tracing of HTTP API calls
  • #41759 added handling of broken SDP on uniview camera with 0 framerate
  • #41787 Fixed the timeline zoom when initializing the player. Now it is set in seconds.
  • #41943 added workaround for erlang new behaviour that broke tls1.3 sources
  • #41949 added handling of closed_captions parameter to SRT input
  • #42112 fixed sending running_on while using cluster_ingest
  • #42148 added handling to agent message of failed buffer allocation
  • #42175 added dynamic changing of named DVR location provided by config_external
  • #42289 fixed capturing AC3 with dektec SDI
  • #42328 changed dependency of ndi package to avahi-daemon


  • #39419 Published the manual how to integrate your billing with our service.
  • #40239 Fixed issue with increasing disk usage to store episodes, episodes are now deleted after period specified in the “DVR Days Limit for records with detected motion” parameter in UI.
  • #40310 (API) Now you can check the stream status and input stats using the Stream API.
  • #41365 (API) Now you can specify the archive depth in seconds using Presets API.
  • #41508 (API) Added the ability to manage presets using APIv3.
  • #42385 agent for fulhan cameras


  • #39137 Adding to favorites and enabling notifications no longer requires manage cameras rights.
  • #39156 (API) Now you can provide secure access to certain features of the system, including real-time viewing, recording and playback of archived data, tilt and zoom control, as well as the integration of advertising, using Share Tokens API.
  • #40005 (API) Added company information to GET ui_settings. To configure company information, use “Branding” section on “Settings” Page.
  • #42319 Added the output of the current user’s permissions to edit the camera in streams.
  • #41476 ( Fixed issue with updating or deleting tariff plans.
  • #40739 The accurate previews displays for the episodes
  • #42163 We rescheduled a long synchronization to run in the background to speed up the process of updating the Watcher.
  • #42168 Improved installation and updated process of Flussonic Watcher. Moved long-term and non-critical synchronization operations to the background to decrease installation and update time.


  • #40540 Now we show the streamer in error status on the “Health Status” page only if it is truly not working or there are configuration issues. When determining the streamer’s status, we do not consider the statuses of cameras and agents on it.
  • #39690 Fixed the bug where most episodes with license plates had no car in the preview.
  • #7195 Added external platform publishing to push video from cameras to social medias like Youtube, Twitch, Facebook or other servers via RTMP.
  • #29544 Improve input urls validation when creating or editing cameras to reduce the number of cameras capture errors. Now, we check that the input URL is a valid URI.
  • #40756 Improve analytics configuration. Now you don’t need to manually configure the RTSP listener on the streamer for analytics to work.
  • #41361 (Mobile) Fixed the screen rotation issue when playing video from the camera via Android application.
  • #41427 Fixed issue embed player not working via share link.
  • #41489 We changed the rule for persons, now the menu is available to authorized users and if the domain admin must also be the administrator of the organization.
  • #41543 Fixed the issue with not being able to control the camera using PTZ.
  • #41556 Fixed the bug where advertisements were not being created.
  • #41560 Fixed the possibility of adding share tokens for the admin.
  • #41576 Fixed the bug that prevented the backup utility /opt/flussonic/contrib/watcher backup from running.
  • #41613 Fixed the camera search in cluster installation.
  • #41615 Fixed the bug with displaying deleted presets in the presets list. Now we don’t show deleted organization presets in the preset list.
  • #41860 ( Fixed issue with vision analytics not working on some cameras.
  • #41896 Fixed a bug with disabling analytics on the stream when changing the camera.
  • #41971 Fixed synchronization of dvr configuration fields when saving presets and cameras in v2 and v3 methods.
  • #42231 (Mobile) Fixed issue with apk downloading as zip-archive, now you can install APK from Mobile Applications Update.
  • #42232 Fixed the ability to disable the recognition function for cameras and presets.


  • #34048 Switched to event-based logging of Agents instead of unstructured logs.
  • #40532 Added redundancy_factor handling for Config External. Streams with the specified redundancy_factor will be included in config_external of redundant streamers.
  • #41037 Added hostname, role and labels filters processing to streamers_list operation.
  • #41100 Removed deprecated streamer_hostname field.
  • #41232 Switched to event-based logging of API Calls.
  • #41497 Failover functionality has been added: If you set LAYOUTER_FAILOVER_ENABLED=true (default=false) in the config, the streams from a offline streamer will be redistributed to online ones. The delay before the streamer is considered dead can be set by STREAMER_DEAD_TIMEOUT (default=180s).
  • #41503 Added the custom episodes support to allow integration of external video analytics


  • #41711 Improved cluster_health page. Streamers with outage status are now displayed as Partial Outage.
  • #41790 Improved stream input URL validation to ensure its accessibility from ingest node.
  • #42271 Added filtering by layout in agents_list operation


  • #40573 Added idle agent handling. if the agent does not send a ping within a minute - the connection will be dropped.
  • #41628 Fixed a bug with a dynamic config update when Allow Tokens were no longer passed to Auth Backend.
  • #42029 Added 499 status code to indicate that client closed the connection before the server answered the request.
  • #42217 Fixed incorrect value of the limit attribute in tracing in streamer_streams_list operation.



  • #31856 added validation of unique udp push groups to config parser
  • #33790 config validator will protect from pushing to the same decklink output from different streams
  • #35971 Initial set of lutra boards produced
  • #39763 X-Originator header in config_external requests
  • #40086 created new mode of udp pusher with ability for isolated cpu core usage
  • #40143 now config editor will automatically scroll down to error line in case of invalid config
  • #40348 now can replicate dvr on streams from config_external
  • #40905 prepared coder infrastructure for new customizable firmwares
  • #40967 fixed IAT calculation for MPEGTS UDP push
  • #41094 added support for enabling d attr in MSS rewind playlist
  • #41292 debian updater will now check only our repository, skipping foreign


  • #12896 more strict validation of urls specified in config
  • #21451 now will recheck publish bitrate on all protocols if max_bitrate is configured
  • #25719 will not send any stream.stats for disabled streams in API
  • #26043 added validation of unique source names to config
  • #27135 removed all useless usages of nullable in schemas
  • #28572 added path and url to config_external urls to simply debugging problems
  • #34844 described x-thumbnail-utc header in schemas
  • #37921 better logging of json and http errors in config_external
  • #39002 Episode playback improved. Now playback is more stable, and it starts faster.
  • #40875 fixed incompatibility with schema in mock openapi server
  • #41306 new segfault-safe interconnect technology for reading SDI
  • #41307 now can select tracks by their codecs for chosing multiplexer pids


  • #19650 fixed output MPEG-TS packet size on SRT push
  • #27098 added validation of peer api_url and other urls to config parser
  • #28786 added validation for checking dvr.root when copy is specified
  • #29506 properly handle string passed to object structure in input, return 400 instead of 500
  • #29514 properly handle invalid json input, return 400 instead of 500
  • #30221 enabled back inputs.stats.media_info reporting in API
  • #33622 fixed leaving MPTS multicast group
  • #35040 now have correct error indication while saving stream during broken config_external: 400 instead of 500
  • #38610 fixed error warnings from config parsing: they all should return line, col now
  • #39186 increased timeouts and make them configurable for veery slow S3 storage
  • #39253 fixed returning server_version in config_get response
  • #39414 better indication when parsing invalid config
  • #39599 now max_bitrate/min_bitrate input options will work for all protocols
  • #40012 fixed bug with uploading logs from console
  • #40088 fixed configuring file_processor with media_info. Now it is easier to prepare reels for SSAI
  • #40221 returned back publish.stats.protocol to stream_get API
  • #40516 The player now supports HEVC playback in Safari
  • #40736 Fixed archive playback when the source is unavailable.
  • #40792 Timeline rendering improved
  • #40799 fixed standby feature for new UDP pusher that is using whole CPU core
  • #40836 fixed tesseract dependency for automatic upgrade
  • #40850 fixed DASH DVR playback with period=mono mode
  • #40932 more strict validation of dvr url
  • #41312 fixed regression with reading MBR HLS with CC entry



  • #40576 (improved) Improved performance of the face detection running on CPU. The system reacts more quickly to changes in the scene, resulting in more consistent facial recognition
  • #40668 (Watcher Mobile) We are preparing an update for the Android mobile application. If you are using a version of Flussonic Watcher earlier than 24.07, you will not be able to use the mobile application after the update. Please prepare for the update using the instructions.
  • #40705 (UI) Added external platform publishing to push video from cameras to social medias like Youtube, Twitch, Facebook or other servers via RTMP.
  • #40825 separated iris-web as separate manager on camera
  • #40838 (API) Added a preview timestamp to obtain the time when the preview of this episode is available.
  • #41044 added build target for armv7-uclibc for iris-web
  • #41098 now iris-web manager can generate config for HAL
  • #41137 (API) Now you can add a streamer with checks to make sure that everything will work well in the cluster. Use query parameter checks_enable for streamer_save operation to check if the streamer is reachable.


  • #39896 Fixed a bug that caused playback to not work for the streamer when setting a non-standard public_payload_port for HTTPS.
  • #40193 Fixed the issue with executing the post-install script when updating from versions below 23.04.
  • #40272 (fixed) Fixed the issue with license plate recognition on GPU, occurring on certain streams.
  • #40921 (API) We have added the coordinates field and deprecated map_coordinates. Use coordinates to determine the camera’s location on map.
  • #40957 (API) Fixed a bug when the camera, operating through an agent, was unavailable after addition.
  • #40995 Fixed issue when mobile application not using https for playback.
  • #41136 (API) Fixed a bug where the Lets Encrypt certificate issuance for the streamer was not working.
  • #41152 (CLI) Fixed a bug where password recovery didn’t work in the terminal.
  • #41311 (API) Fixed saving comment field for streams pushes.
  • #41322 (API) Fixed the format of errors displayed when adding ads. Errors are now returned according to the API specification.



  • #22100 (Flussonic) Added support for AC-3 audio for HLS/FairPlay streams in tvOS.
  • #27875 (Flussonic) Added the ability to play archive via RTSP. This feature is useful for integration with external systems. Learn more.
  • #37998 Now Media Server can replicate DVR data from our camera.
  • #39456 Flussonic Player is now able to show CSAI Preroll clip, check with Flussonic Watcher how it works.
  • #39769 initial implementation for SMPTE 2110 4K receiver code
  • #39821 Now you can request MSS DVR manifest with a specific chunk format.
  • #39907 You can encode audio into the Enhanced AC-3 codec.
  • #39934 (UI) Added the button to download debug data locally in case if uploading failed with HTTP 400 error. This will help you provide necessary data to our support team even if there are network problems.
  • #40084 You can configure transcoder with pre-defined targets that allows to get DVB compatible configuration in a single click.
  • #40382 New transcoder targets are available via Admin UI.
  • #40611 Now you can set a comment to inputs. This hints will help manage your sources, e.g. quickly identify who is a provider.


  • #37481 Ubuntu 16.04 is not supported anymore.
  • #37919 (Flussonic) Improved the log message when failed to run auth backend for specific URL.
  • #38931 (Flussonic) Added support for the updated PSSH returned by BuyDRM.
  • #38954 We have changed defaults to utilize CPUs like AMD EPYC 7702P more efficiently. You’ll get more transcoder performance out of box.
  • #39041 (DVR Player) The episodes in the player displayed at Watcher Client UI can be played before their closure, so the message about the episode being recorded is no longer shown.
  • #39634 (UI) Added the column for the originator in the Central Admin UI to help debugging the layouter.
  • #40064 Vision plugin is removed from Media Server. Read here How to migrate to a new Vision package.
  • #40116 (UI) Changed the format of debug info file name to logs_{YYYYMMDDhhmmss}_{hostname}_{version}.zip.


  • #25015 Fixed an issue with configuring ASI PCI-E cards with V4L interface.
  • #31507 (Flussonic) Fixed the segfaults in MPEG-TS due to incorrect frame body size.
  • #38640 WebRTC Player is adapted to the latest iOS version.
  • #39172 (Flussonic) Fixed the incorrect MSE-LD track IDs preventing the player operation.
  • #39482 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue where video did not play via MSE or HLS/fMP4 when published via RTMP/HEVC from OBS.
  • #39681 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with migrate mode not cleaning the disk in Flussonic RAID if some archive data are corrupted or missing on the disk.
  • #39892 (DVR Player) Fixed the issue that the days with archive recordings were not highlighted in the calendar.
  • #39925 (UI) Fixed the issue with the stream restart button missing in the Flussonic Media Server Admin UI.
  • #39952 Media Server will handle input http-links with ending /mpegts,.ts like a HTTP MPEG-TS source.
  • #39993 (UI) Fixed the issue with empty page displayed instead of streamer settings after the streamer creation.
  • #40076 We catch an rare issue with outdated file descriptor, so, Media Server will not lose DVR files.
  • #40154 Supported TLS-1.3 only sources.
  • #40196 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue where all episode recordings were deleted even though episodes_expiration was unlimited.
  • #40204 (API) Fixed the issue with filters and limit not applied to GET /ranges method.
  • #40244 Media Server now detects DVR configuration conflict between streams and templates.
  • #40304 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue where proxying requests to Watcher via Flussonic did not work when auto-login was configured in Watcher.
  • #40317 Server-side playlists now ignores tab and spaces symbols. Accidently added space will not cause any issues.
  • #40361 hls2:// now ingests audio tracks from EXT-X-STREAM-INF and EXT-X-MEDIA:TYPE=AUDIO.
  • #40397 (Flussonic) Fixed the multiplexer crashes when the name of the stream is changed and the new name is specified as a source for the program.
  • #40415 Pulse API supports a new authorization schema.
  • #40465 Garbage traffic on a SRT socket will not stop publication.
  • #40547 Admin UI now will not crash on “Options” page of RTSP input.
  • #40602 Fixed case when we were too careful about DVR data that could be deleted.


  • #33861 (UI) Added a ‘Channel Limit’ field to the streamer settings page. This field allows limiting the number of streams that can operate on the streamer to protect it from excessive load.
  • #36075 Added support for Indonesian license plate recognition.
  • #38085 (UI) Replaced “Events” page with a new “Episodes” page. Improved design and user experience. In new “Episodes” page you can use filters for multiple organizations and cameras, filter for unknown persons, automatic updates of the episodes list, grouping episodes by persons and license plates, use ’listing’ and ‘card’ views.
  • #38396 (Iris) Added support for Iris DVR recordings playback in DVR Player.
  • #38797 (UI) Added permission settings for viewing Live and DVR when creating and editing links on “Shares” page.
  • #39240 (API) Added POST /notifications/notify for sending a test push notification to the mobile application.
  • #39454 (UI) Added “Advertisement” page. On this page you can configure and upload advertisements to embed them in the camera stream when sharing on websites.
  • #39455 (UI) We added the ability to enable advertisements on the Shares page. Use the ‘Advert’ checkbox to enable or disabled advertisements. When advertisements are enabled, advertisements that you added on the ‘Advertisement’ page will be shown when playing videos in the player.
  • #39464 Added the Admin - Advertisement page allowing you to show ads before shared camera video.
  • #39466 Added the ability to display ads when sharing the camera to a website.
  • #39738 (Vision) Added the ability to use flussonic-vision-transition video analytics module with nvidia-driver-550 in case if you cannot use the recommended version 525 of the driver.
  • #39780 (Iris) Added support for Rockchip in Iris DVR.
  • #40109 (API) Added the GET /organizations Watcher Client API method.
  • #40110 (API) Added fetching the list of presets via GET /presets.
  • #40176 (API) Added an API for push notifications in the mobile application.
  • #40188 (API) Simplified API for adding a camera with an agent. organization_id and preset_id are not required to create activation token.
  • #40199 You can play DVR from our camera’s SD card using the VLC player. We have prepared a special manifest that glues the recorded fragments and provides interfaces such as when viewing a regular mp4 file.
  • #40260 (UI) Added a filter for multiple organizations on the episodes page.
  • #40342 (UI) Added advertising removal on “Advertisement” page.
  • #40445 (UI) Added the ability to upload advertising videos when creating advertisements on the “Advertisement” page.


  • #38090 (UI) Added a filter for organizations on the episodes page.
  • #38791 (UI) Password reset has been added.
  • #39047 (UI) Display previews of license plates on the episodes page.
  • #39131 (UI) Added interface language selection.
  • #39281 (VSAAS.IO) Only billing can now create organizations via POST /organizations API.
  • #39364 (UI) Added filter for multiple streams on the episodes page.
  • #39481 (UI) Fixed the issue where persons or license plates appeared with a delay during episode playback.
  • #39787 (VSAAS.IO) Fixed the issue with API not returning CORS headers making it impossible to call it from browser.
  • #39874 (API) Added the API methods for Agent activation.
  • #39989 (Iris) Improved Iris DVR recording of RTP streams with static SDP.
  • #40253 (UI) We have added the ability to specify the depth of the available DVR in seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks when creating a link on the “Shares” page. Use the ‘DVR depth limit’ input field for this purpose.
  • #40255 (UI) Added automatic checkbox rules on the “Shares” page. If “advert” is enabled, “dvr” is automatically disabled and “live” is enabled. If “dvr” is enabled, “advert” is automatically disabled and “live” is enabled.
  • #40261 (API) Added the capability to filter episodes by multiple organizations via GET /episodes.
  • #40395 (UI) Added the ability to add a stream on the ‘My Cameras’ page.
  • #40618 Converted logs to JSON format.
  • #40681 (API) Added PUT /streams for configuring stream pushes to other server or service.
  • #40796 (API) Added GET /mosaics and GET /mosaics/{mosaic_id} to fetch mosaics list and mosaic detailed information.
  • #40798 (API) Added coordinates in streams API. Use coordinates field to fetch or update stream location.


  • #30566 (Vision) Fixed the issue with license plates detected and recognized outside the detection areas.
  • #34304 (UI) Fixed the bug with displaying the Public URL of the streamer. To work with streamers, use the ‘Streamers’ page. Public URL has been renamed to Public Payload URL.
  • #37488 Added utilities for creating backups and restoring the database.
  • #38080 (UI) Added support for multiple languages in the new interface (PWA).
  • #38119 Fixed the issue with auto-login feature.
  • #39010 Fixed a bug where the stream layout didn’t work in watcher-standalone.
  • #39209 (Vision) Fixed the incorrect cropping of detected faces.
  • #39343 (UI) Removed the display of episode ID on the “Episodes” page.
  • #39666 Fixed the issue with searching сyrillic license plates.
  • #39695 Fixed the issue with Watcher not installed from the official release (binary) repository due to unmet dependency with the Central.
  • #39830 Fixed the issue where the episode duration was negative because the opened_at value didn’t update when received from Vision.
  • #40025 (Vision) Fixed the unsupported operand type error during license plate recognition when the source stream FPS changed.
  • #40103 (UI) Added localizations for the error messages when subscribing to camera events and reseting pin-code.
  • #40107 (UI) Fixed the issue when the streamer’s name was not visible when using UI customization.
  • #40164 (Vision) Fixed the issue where the Inference node would stop without notice when recognizing license plates.
  • #40285 (UI) Fixed the display of the card view of episodes that are related to cameras with long names.
  • #40376 Fixed the issue with viewing the events list in the mobile application.
  • #40425 Improve validation for creating subscription to web pushes.
  • #40539 (UI) Fixed localization error when selecting sorting on the episodes page.


В новой версии 24.05 Flussonic Media Server мы представляем множество обновлений, которые сделают ваше путешествие по потоковому вещанию еще более захватывающим! Обновитесь до версии 24.05 и попробуйте сами!

Media Server Documentation

Client Area


  • #5233 (Flussonic) Added the multilanguage HLS ingest. Use input hls2:// for an HLS stream with several audio tracks packed as separate media playlists (EXT-X-MEDIA).
  • #14478 (Flussonic) Added the new parameters for fine-tuning the input switching: audio_timeout, video_timeout, and max_retry_timeout. They allow switching between inputs if there is no video or audio data in the stream.
  • #31793 (Flussonic) Added the support for HbbTV pass-through in Flussonic multiplexer. Also, you can add a HbbTV data from another source to a program when composing the multiplexer but it requires complex settings: please contact our support team for help.
  • #32935 (Coder) Added the ability to upgrade Flussonic Coder with firmware supporting video analytics. The setup process is yet to be facilitated, so please refer to our support team for the first run.
  • #32992 (API) The inputs options are now grouped by protocols they apply to. This will help you understand which settings can and cannot be applied to various types of inputs.
  • #33651 added initial pcap parser code for reading ST2110 samples
  • #37370 (DVR Player) Added the ability to publish video to Flussonic from your webcamera using the embed.html page. Just add embed.html?proto=webrtc&publish=true parameters. This allows you to avoid developing your own player for WebRTC publishing.
  • #37682 (Flussonic) Added the ability to hash the edit_auth and view_auth passwords to enhance security by not exposing them in the config file.
  • #38664 (API) The deprecated recording_status.json is replaced with ranges.json. The new method is declared in common terminology with episodes, has a concise scheme, and includes no deprecated fields.
  • #38984 (UI) Added the highlighting of strings with errors in the Config Editor and explanation of errors in the pop-up error messages.
  • #39282 (Coder) Added the support for Jetson TX2 NX in Flussonic Coder firmware.
  • #37088 Added the guide for integration of external video analytics with Watcher.


  • #38433 (DVR Player) Improved the audio track names to facilitate choosing the right one by the user.
  • #38769 (API) Added the internal mechanism validating that the API is properly implemented by Flussonic services, i.e. all types, paths, etc. are exactly as declared in schema.
  • #38798 (Flussonic) Improved overall performance of our Erlang implementation of SRT, fixed some issues.
  • #38933 (UI) Fixed the white screen in Central Admin UI when opening Events -> Persons page.
  • #39302 (API) Added the originator information to the api_call_event for filtering out requests originated by the UI (originator: Admin3).
  • #39398 removed nullable from sessions spec
  • #39439 (Flussonic) Enabled the compatibility mode for MP4 export in the old Watcher mobile app for Android.
  • #33949 Added the pages on Axinom DRM and DRMtoday settings.
  • #37451 Added the page about publishing from browser for wide audience and playback via LL-HLS with low latency.
  • #38601 Updated the instructions on Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI) solution to provide a more consistent step-by-step guide to preparing and injecting your ads.
  • #38614 Mentioned the support for fMP4 for VOD files and archive export.
  • #38734 Added the link to layouter API in the API list.
  • #39078 Fixed the issue with Graphviz graphs not displayed through the documentation.
  • #39714 Fixed the example of command for exporting a DVR segment to MP4 file at Amazon S3.
  • #38675 The USB/offline license file downloading process optimized to send the download request on button click only without unnecessary preliminary requests.
  • #39388 Fixed the issue with arrow buttons for opening invoices, payments, licenses, etc. The buttons now work as expected.


  • #22640 (API) Added the api_call_event event for debugging or analyzing incidents involving API requests.
  • #34656 (Flussonic) Fixed the long timeout for DASH playback request for a dead restreamed stream. This resulted in about 60 seconds black screen on the client side before indicating the problem.
  • #35282 (WebRTC Player) Fixed the issue with two play sessions launched when autoplay: true is set in WebRTC Player.
  • #37756 (Flussonic) Fixed the trimming when pushing SPTS (push udp://).
  • #37782 (Flussonic) Fixed HTTP 500 on live HLS request when a non-standardly encoded SCTE marker appeared in the input.
  • #38113 (Flussonic) Fixed the NVENC transcoder crashes when source media_info changed.
  • #38171 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with the GPU memory not freed after the source is lost. The issue caused the transcoder failure to restart due to lack of memory and the streams were unavailable.
  • #38245 (Flussonic) Fixed the Exits Before Video Start (EBVS) metric degradation at WebRTC WHEP playback.
  • #38597 (Coder) Fixed the incorrect operation of allow_if logics.
  • #38897 (API) Fixed the schema of ranges in recording_status.json.
  • #38900 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with listener ignoring the IP addresses specified in the configuration and listening to all interfaces for RTMP or RTSP.
  • #38910 (API) Fixed HTTP 500 error in response to GET /recording_status.json that is used by DVR Player for archive playback.
  • #39139 (UI) Fixed the error when opening the Output page if a listener had a value of an empty array.
  • #39194 (DVR Player) Fixed the issue with default playback protocol in OTT mode (DVR disabled) set to MSE-LD instead of HLS. HLS stability is more important in OTT applications than MSE-LD low latency.
  • #39275 (Flussonic) Fixed the multiplexer crashes if other option referred to a multiplexer with service_type none and ts_stream_id configured in one of the programs.
  • #39292 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue that the output bitrate was twice as high as that specified in the settings when preparing the CBR SPTS.
  • #39490 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with NVENC segmentation faults when open session limit is reached. Flussonic now handles this situation correctly by logging a relevant error without failures.

Представляем новую версию 24.05 Flussonic Watcher! Благодаря выделенным серверам для видеоаналитики эффективно распределяйте задачи, обеспечивая оптимальное распределение ресурсов и повышая надежность системы. Кроме того, процессы управления стали проще, благодаря интеграции VSAAS.IO, что позволяет беспрепятственно контролировать абонентов и камеры.

Watcher documentation (24.05) 2024-05-08


  • #5269 Added the ability to issue Lets Encrypt certificates in Watcher Admin UI.
  • #35332 (Vision) Added the ability to use video analytics on separate servers with specific hardware to provide failover and redundancy for streams with analytics.
  • #37772 (Iris) Added the support for archive recording without continuous time synchronization in Iris DVR. Internal timestamps are converted to real ones when the camera synchronizes the time with the NTP server.
  • #38468 (Iris) Added the support for SD card hot swap in Iris DVR.
  • #38789 (Iris) Added the support for Iris DVR loop cleanup to avoid storage overflow which could lead to archive inoperability.
  • #39274 (VSAAS.IO) The ID of a created organization is now returned as external_id in response to POST /organizations API.
  • #39336 (VSAAS.IO) The IDs of billing plans in Watcher are now returned as external_id in API request GET /tariff_plans.
  • #39376 (UI) The Events page is now fully replaced with the Episodes in Watcher Client UI. The new page provides advanced user experience and will be improved even more in the future.
  • #39520 (Iris) The TCP transport made default for RTSP ingest in Iris DVR to avoid interruptions for the program operation behind NAT.
  • #39532 The episodes database cleanup made faster to avoid situations when database grows faster then cleans.


  • #38491 (UI) Added the Branding settings to customize Watcher Client UI. Find it on Settings (new) page.
  • #38832 (API) Added the POST /password_recovery method for sending Watcher password recovery e-mail.
  • #38846 (Vision) Fixed the issue with license plates detection outside the detection areas set by user.
  • #38980 (Vision) Fixed the issue with interference between face processing and stream capture on inference nodes.
  • #38985 (Vision) The episode identification process speeded up.
  • #39007 (Vision) Fixed the issue with blurry license plate previews.
  • #39118 (Vision) Improved the recognition quality by excluding faces with too low confidence in key points.
  • #39191 (API) The prev cursor in the GET /episodes request is reset if there are fewer elements on the first page than in the request. This improvement allows for proper listing of newly registered episodes when reaching back the first page.
  • #39211 (UI) The administrator’s menu items are grouped into the Admin drop-down section for your convenience.
  • #39271 (UI) Improved the process of SSL certificate issuing for managing server from Watcher Client UI. The page is reloaded after issuing to instantly use the https:// URL.
  • #39403 (UI) Added the streamer uptime display on the Health status page.
  • #39410 (UI) Added the display of incoming and outgoing channel bandwidth on the Health status page.
  • #39421 (UI) The old Health page is completely replaced with Health status in Watcher Client UI.
  • #39523 (UI) The from filter in the episodes list no longer has a default value. Previously, episodes were filtered only for the current day by default, so it may have seemed as if there were no episodes at all while there were no episodes just for today.
  • #39535 (Vision) Increased track timeout for vehicles from 10 to 30 seconds to more correctly combine episodes with a recognized license plate when part of the license plate is blocked by an obstacle.
  • #39575 (UI) The language tags and keys of the old and new interface localizations made compatible to facilitate transition from the old to new UI.
  • #39660 Duplication of the events database has been eliminated. Now only the episode database is used to save disk space.
  • #39752 Fixed the vulnerability that may have compromised your cluster. We strongly recommend you to update Watcher and run /opt/flussonic/contrib/watcher update_central_api_key to change all sensitive credentials in the Watcher config.
  • #39772 (API) Added the locale parameter to get or set the user’s language.
  • #38510 Watcher Quick Start Guide updated to explain how to get Operator ID for logging into Watcher mobile apps.
  • #38657 Updated the camera embedding manual with explanation of four types of embed links, tokens deactivation and limitations of this new method of embedding.
  • #39075 Added the information about API v3 authorization.


  • #15827 (UI) Fixed the issue with some cameras not included in the filter by cameras on the Events page. Please use the new Episodes page that has no such problem.
  • #34692 (Mobile) Fixed the “Unable to save fragment” error in Watcher mobile apps that was caused by the fact that the old apps do not support HTTP/2. The video requests from the mobile apps are now executed over HTTP. Consider using Watcher Client UI PWA for safe and secure export.
  • #35587 (Vision) Fixed the issue that, on opening an episode, the player showed the archive at the point where the person’s face was no longer present.
  • #37831 (Vision) Fixed the issue with some irrelevant objects detected as square license plates.
  • #38497 Fixed the issue with event thumbnails not deleted properly causing Watcher database size to grow critically interfering with the service operation.
  • #38528 Fixed the issue with episodes not sent to external event notification URL. This option is widely used for integration with barriers.
  • #38713 (API) Fixed HTTP 400 error when trying to pass another file in PUT /domain_config.
  • #38987 Fixed the issue with person photos provisioned by Watcher not saved in Central because of incorrect encoding.
  • #38991 Fixed the issue with person duplicates created by Watcher.
  • #39162 (Vision) Fixed the license plates recognition quality degradation.
  • #39176 (VSAAS.IO) Fixed the issue that the user created via the API was not associated with the organization that was passed in the request.
  • #39205 The precise thumbnail cleanup process was refactored and optimized.
  • #39215 (VSAAS.IO) Fixed the issue that PUT /organizations API request did not update the list of billing plans but produced copies of the Default billing plan.
  • #39216 (VSAAS.IO) Fixed the issue with POST /organizations method of API ignoring the custom default billing plan.
  • #39247 (VSAAS.IO) Fixed the delay in delivery of e-mails from VSAAS.IO.
  • #39307 (VSAAS.IO) Fixed the issue that changes in the organization’s list of presets did not apply.
  • #39359 (Vision) Fixed the issue with excessive memory consumption by the Inference module.
  • #39366 Fixed the issue with Watcher NVR Agents not assigned to streamers when Agent status is not received.
  • #39412 Fixed the issue with video buffering for too long before playing an episode. Now the playback start is closer to the moment when the detected object appears.
  • #39642 Fixed the issue with recognition events not cleared if the archive wass turned off on the camera.
  • #39724 Fixed the issue with events not displayed in the Watcher mobile app.
  • #39838 (VSAAS.IO) Fixed HTTP 403 when creating an organization via API.
  • #39842 Fixed HTTP 403 when accessing /vsaas/embed URL via HTTPS.

В последней версии Flussonic Central (версия 24.05) настройка и интеграция вашей системы стали еще проще и эффективнее. Обновитесь до новой версии и попробуйте сами улучшения и исправления версии 24.05!


  • #29024 (API) Implemented the PUT /config method for changing the Central configuration.
  • #31282 Removed the event_sink vsaas_event_collector provisioning to streamer configurations so that Watcher provisioned it itself when needed.
  • #38918 Added the ability to use multi-stream Agents with Central. Such Agents are installed on a server to connect Central with cameras without Agent in that server’s local network.
  • #39206 (API) Added the handling of required_ prefix for streamer labels in the layouter.
  • #39221 (API) Added the handling of required_ prefix for stream labels in the layouter.
  • #39564 Supported the matching of the required_ label prefix with identical labels without prefix, for example required_env on a streamer will match env on a stream.


  • #38924 Improved fetching of the episode start time from the analytics nodes for the detected face to be included in the episode video.
  • #39492 (API) Added the originator field to indicate who changed the layout.


  • #38021 Fixed the migration process for large tables at update so that it passed faster and without errors.
  • #38958 Fixed the delays in episodes handling when identification errors were returned by analytics nodes.
  • #38997 Fixed the panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference error when starting Central.
  • #39019 Fixed the description of error message appearing when trying to issue LetsEncrypt certificate for a streamer to highlight that the problem is on streamer side but not in Central.
  • #39026 Fixed the issue with stream layout not changing after a node deletion. Also added the node_deleted value for layout.change_reason.
  • #39225 Updated the streamer.labels description and added labels for streamers with Inference role.
  • #39389 Fixed HTTP 400 when saving the stream if its layout was previously changed because of required tags mismatch.
  • #39476 (UI) Fixed the issue with streams filter by Vision not working.
  • #39573 Fixed the inability to change the label value to null.


Flussonic Media Server 24.04 расцветает вместе с сакурой! В апрельском релизе мы предлагаем новые функции для рестримеров и организаторов онлайн-кинотеатров, сторонников аппаратного кодирования и тех, кто запускает Media Server в кластере.

Media Server Documentation

Client Area (24.04) 2024-05-08


  • #5708 VOD now supports fragmented MP4. You can serve MOV or MP4 files recorded by OBS with default settings. DVR is now exported as fragmented MP4 by default, with zero latency and less storage traffic.
  • #30762 (Flussonic) Added the support for Enhanced RTMP that allows the use of AV1 and H.265 (HEVC) codecs. Just configure RTMP push and/or publishing in a usual way, and it will work with AV1/HEVC encoded stream. Use this feature for restreaming high quality video to social media like YouTube.
  • #34161 (UI) Added the cluster health status page in Central Admin UI to help troubleshooting your cluster.
  • #36177 (Flussonic) Added the ability to use file_processor for preparation of ad clips before injection to a stream with known media_info.
  • #36896 (UI) Added the ability to configure Axinom DRM in Admin UI.
  • #37850 (Coder) Added the support for SDI/ASI encoding in the Coder’s firmware.
  • #37926 (Flussonic k8s) Implemented for launching MediaServer in Kubernetes cluster.
  • #38109 (DVR Player) Added the ability to enable playback via WebRTC in the DVR Player. Use embed.html?proto=webrtc option to enable the WebRTC mode.
  • #34290 Updated the description of [stream_save](] API method with explanation of the upsert principle and how to use it for updating or resetting values.
  • #35179 Added the How to save nPVR recordings article.
  • #37001 Updated the article about RTSP protocol with more technical details.
  • #38381 Added the article about RTMP protocol providing insight into the protocol history and peculiarities.
  • #38608 Added the article about Flussonic Media Server operator for Kubernetes.
  • #34831 Added the ability to enlarge the comment box when answering to tickets at


  • #33112 (API) Improved the content of partitions parameter to include only the disks with archive and not show useless info.
  • #35148 (UI) Improved the grouping and explanations to URLs on the Output tab.
  • #36756 File processor now can configure transcoder using tracks.
  • #38239 (UI) You can now enable publishing to the stream with a checkbox in the stream creation form.
  • #38464 (Flussonic) Improved the performance of SRT reception to avoid packet queue accumulation.
  • #38866 (DVR Player) Improved the animation of video loading so as not to show it when the video has already started.
  • #35438 Added the article about using the “burn” option for overlaying dynamic text over video.
  • #35995 Added the article about using srt_port_resolve mechanism for publishing via SRT to Flussonic cluster managed by config_external.
  • #37416 Added the article about digital TV broadcasting describing the features of DVB, including IPTV, and how it is different from OTT.
  • #37490 Updated the instructions on configuration of SRT publishing to one server to highlight that port-per-stream setting is now available in the UI and is preferrable.
  • #37758 Fixed the issue with search which only worked for the Media Server documentation and did not work for Watcher.
  • #38161 The articles about Media Server installation and updating were complemented with instructions for USB licenses and updating in the UI, and also generally restructured to exclude duplicated information.
  • #38173 Explained how to transfer the archive when migrating to a new server.
  • #38363 Added the article about providing access to streams via RTSP for integration with external systems.
  • #38409 Added the article about Restreaming to YouTube in high quality with Enhanced RTMP.
  • #38586 Improved the PDF formatting.
  • #37845 Added the welcome page on describing the functions demonstrated on the website.


  • #18432 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with the stream being unavailable when some language file was missing for Tesseract OCR while only that language should have been unavailable.
  • #32660 (Flussonic API) Fixed the issue with autotranscode tool preparing ad clips not suitable for injecting to an HLS stream because deprecated audio and video options were used instead of tracks for configuring the transcoder.
  • #34811 (DVR Player) Fixed the issue with inability to move the archive export markers and the playback position on the timeline when the video is loading. The player freezing at clicking to a broken section of the video was also fixed.
  • #34975 (Flussonic) Fixed the recording of archive from specific cameras providing incorrect timestamps in the RTSP stream so that to ensure correct playback of the archive exported to MP4. However, the records from such cameras made before this fix will still have some issues at playback.
  • #35090 (Retroview) Fixed the issue with the number of playback sessions not matching the number of views.
  • #35621 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with camera stream bitrate incorrectly calculated at low fps (<10).
  • #35984 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with the order of tracks changing in the transcoded stream.
  • #37033 (DVR Player) Fixed the player freezing when clicking a timeline in a point where there is no archive.
  • #37268 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with downloading the oldest segment after it has already been removed from the playlist. To allow such a download, the memory stores one segment more than included in the playlist.
  • #37665 (Flussonic) Fixed the out of memory error when pushing a multiplexer in unicast to a disabled network interface.
  • #37690 (Flussonic) Fixed the source timeout error when ingesting an MPTS UDP stream with incorrect PCR.
  • #37882 (Flussonic) The logging of RTMP pusher made more clear to facilitate troubleshooting.
  • #37909 (DVR Player) Fixed the incorrect request sent from Player to Media Server when downloading selected tracks in MP4 or TS format.
  • #37930 (Flussonic) Fixed the source_timeout error when ingesting a HEVC stream from an IP camera with a custom color scheme.
  • #37949 (Flussonic API) Fixed the issue with host parameter not passed in some cases in the requests to the auth backend.
  • #37959 (k8s) The system auto updater is now disabled when running in Docker.
  • #38029 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with LL-HLS not playing on iOS devices if chunks were closed too short. Now we close chunk on a keyframe only if it is long enough.
  • #38050 (Flussonic) Fixed the long triggering of allow_if logics.
  • #38055 (WebRTC Player) Fixed the issue with publishing from iPhone when audio devices were disabled or missing.
  • #38071 (DVR Player) Fixed the issue with DVR Player not switching tracks for HLS streams.
  • #38072 (DVR Player) Fixed the issue with empty or broken archive sections not skipped at playback.
  • #38398 (DVR Player) Fixed the issue with streams not played via MSE on iOS devices. In case if MSE playback has failed, HLS is now used.
  • #38504 (DVR Player) Fixed the issue with playback of cameras from Watcher NVR not starting even though preview was available.
  • #38532 (DVR Player) Fixed the issue with playback speed not setting to x8 or faster.
  • #35581 The error messages at made more detailed to help you understand the reason of the error.
  • #37016 Returned the ability to disable Retroview statistics collection for your license at
  • #38261 Removed the legacy text about unlocking instructions on the login page at as unlocking is not required in the current version.

В новой версии Flussonic Watcher 24.04 мы предлагаем множество улучшений: внедрение API v3, поддержка аналитики H.265, широкую функциональность камер с Iris и многое другое. Обновляйся до 24.04!

Watcher documentation (24.04) 2024-05-08


  • #28563 Watcher Client API v3 and Watcher Admin API v3 are now available to gradually replace the APIv2 in your projects. The new API provides a more logical and comprehensive data structure and will be improved even further in the future.
  • #30006 (Vision) Added the support for analytics on H.265 (HEVC) streams.
  • #32960 (Iris) Finalized the implementation of HAL module for cameras with SigmaStar (YCX) 335/337/338 chipset to support all available camera functionality with Iris.
  • #37573 (UI) Added the ability to copy the embed URL in the admin’s Cameras page right with the <iframe> tag to facilitate the use on a webpage.
  • #37743 Now can offer flussonic-watcher-chart for Helm k8s installation
  • #37825 introduced peer-to-peer restreaming for RTSP/MSE requests in Watcher Cluster
  • #38012 (Iris) Added the support for edge recording on camera and the ability to play the recorded archive over HLS.
  • #38014 (Iris) Implemented the archive segment recording in Iris DVR. This is a part of a new tool for edge recording we are currently developing to allow recording an archive on camera with the ability to download it as necessary.
  • #38051 (k8s) Created for launching Watcher in Kubernetes.
  • #38164 Added the ability to use Watcher NVR with Watcher Cluster.
  • #38215 The NVR menu item is now displayed only for users who added an NVR to their Organization.
  • #38219 (Iris) Added the support for H.265 (HEVC) in Iris for cameras with SigmaStar (YCX) 335/337/338 chipset.
  • #38330 (Iris) Added the network interface and port settings in Iris for cameras with SigmaStar (YCX) 335/337/338 chipset.
  • #38391 (Iris) Created the iris-dvr package for installation of Iris DVR edge recording tool to any device running on Ubuntu, for example an NVR or a drone.
  • #38456 (Iris) Supported user authorization for RTSP server on cameras with SigmaStar (YCX) 335/337/338 chipset.
  • #38724 (UI) The list view is now enabled by default on all episodes tab in Watcher Client UI. With auto update and other improvements on this page, this facilitates real-time monitoring of new events.
  • #38728 (UI) Added the ability to generate attendance reports in Watcher Client UI.
  • #38767 (UI) Added the ability to edit person from the episodes list.
  • #38801 (UI) Added the filters for known/unknown faces and license plates to the episodes page at Watcher Client UI.
  • #38842 (UI) Added the ability to group episodes by faces and license plates in the episodes list at Watcher Client UI.
  • #38843 (UI) Added the total number of episodes with the given person or license plate to be displayed in the episode’s tile.
  • #38844 (UI) Added the ability to sort the episodes by number of episodes with the given object (face or license plate).
  • #38943 (UI) The episode duration is now displayed in the episodes list at Watcher Client UI.
  • #38990 (UI) The new episodes are now added to the list with “fade-in” effect. This will help the user notice that a new episode has appeared.
  • #38121 The article about sharing camera to a website was updated to list the relevant URL copy options including those with <iframe> tag for using in the HTML code.


  • #29645 Updated the field of view of public cameras shared at VSAAS.IO for demonstration of Watcher capabilities.
  • #35909 (UI) Added the splash screen in Watcher Client UI (PWA) for iOS.
  • #36697 (UI) Implemented the list view for episodes at Human and Car tabs in Watcher Client UI.
  • #36836 (UI) Fixed the issue with CPU consumption remaining quite high after switching from Player to any other page.
  • #37407 (API) Improved the design of similar parameters in the API schema by supporting the use of $ref. This feature makes the use of schema easier for developers.
  • #37731 (UI) Added the disk usage info in streamer profile at Watcher Admin UI.
  • #37797 (UI) Improved the display of event markers on the player timeline in Watcher Client UI (PWA); in the episode list, more useful info of the event is shown.
  • #37960 Added the Person, Car, and Motion tabs on the Events page in Watcher Client UI to facilitate events search and allow specific filters for each event type (for example, filter by license plate is applicable for cars only).
  • #38102 Fixed the inability to restore a previously deleted preset to add it to an Organization.
  • #38208 (API) Added the appearance parameters in Watcher Admin API for branding the UI.
  • #38226 Added the “To” filter by date in the list of episodes at Watcher Client UI.
  • #38302 (API) Added the GET /cluster/stats method for fetching the cluster status.
  • #38392 (UI) The “Upload debug info” button removed from Watcher UI as it was not usable. We will reimplement it later to improve the user experience.
  • #38434 (UI) Improved the settings for streamers with identification and inference roles: removed the disk statuses, private and public payload URLs the DVR tab, as those are not applicable to video analytics.
  • #38469 (Iris) Improved the tool for edge recording to continue serve the archive requests even if live video source is unavailable.
  • #38554 (UI) Added a notification to the Health status page in Watcher Client UI stating that information about disks can be viewed in the profile of a specific streamer.
  • #38555 (UI) The version of Flussonic on streamers is displayed on the Streamers page in Watcher Client UI.
  • #38594 (Vision) The analytics module no longer creates episodes for blurry, dark or unclear faces. This contributes to more accurate identification of persons.
  • #38723 (UI) Added the Auto update checkbox on the Episodes page in Watcher Client UI so you don’t have to refresh the page to watch new episodes.
  • #38814 (API) Added the filter by person_id in the [GET /episodes) request.
  • #38818 (UI) Added the ability to generate reports by license plates in Watcher Client UI.
  • #38822 (UI) Improved the episodes page to show today’s episodes by default.
  • #38874 removed useless nullable fields from watcher-client schema
  • #38939 (UI) The Auto update checkbox is now added to query string as auto_update parameter just like other sorting parameters so that to remember them on page refresh.
  • #38947 (UI) Improved the visibility of episode type in the episodes list at Watcher Client UI.
  • #38955 (UI) Fixed the scrolling on the camera’s page.
  • #35117 Added the instructions on viewing Watcher cameras on subscriber devices like SMART TV, STB, and mobile applications of IPTVPORTAL.
  • #37820 Improved the article about embedding cameras to external website: two methods of embedding are now in one page, the new method of URL sharing via admin’s camera list is shown.
  • #37878 Fixed the instruction of Watcher update to remove the unnecessary restart commands as the installation script is restarting all the required services automatically.
  • #37886 Improved the Watcher cluster installation page for consistency.
  • #38107 Improved the text of tooltips on the Streamers page to explain all the URLs you should specify there.


  • #27726 Fixed the issue with too long response to the episode list request resulting in increasing waiting time when opening the Events page in the UI. Note that Watcher Client UI displays the events faster than the old Watcher UI.
  • #35464 (Vision) Fixed the issue with closed_at field not populated in Central when analytics closed the episode. The episodes were displayed very long in Watcher Client UI because of this.
  • #35713 Fixed the issue with recognized person ID displayed instead of name in the detected faces list.
  • #36612 Improved the generation of names for unknown persons. Instead of unfriendly long number, the “Unknown ABC” is now used, where ABC can be any letters. This may help you visually locate the episodes with the same unknown face.
  • #37794 The waiting time for re-login attempts has been reduced to a minute because it was too long before. Note that you can change this time in the config using WATCHER_BRUTE_FORCE_TIMEOUT parameter.
  • #38006 (Vision) Fixed incorrect recognition of license plates caused by non-compliance with the requirements for installing cameras. Now the analytics module filters only those numbers that it can recognize to avoid false positive errors.
  • #38232 (Iris) Fixed the issue with wrong SPS data received from the RTSP server being part of Iris firmware for cameras on the SigmaStar (YCX) 335/337/338 chipset.
  • #38242 (UI) Improved the preview of vehicles on the Car tab in Watcher Client UI. For convenience, two previews are now shown: a whole frame and a recognized license plate.
  • #38458 (UI) Fixed the issue with camera search by name in Watcher Client UI returning cameras with names not containing the search string.
  • #38473 Fixed the issue with first installation of Watcher on a clear system finishing with an error.
  • #38521 Fixed the issue with watcher-episodes service freezes due to inability to send a push message which resulted in new episodes not showing in Watcher.
  • #38523 (UI) Fixed the display of the camera list on widescreen monitors to make useful use of all screen space.
  • #38748 Fixed the issue with attendance report generating too slowly and filter by organization not applied.
  • #38758 (Vision) Fixed the issue with Inference node providing stats and stream config if external_config without vision configuration was provisioned from the Central.
  • #38877 (UI) Fixed the issue with “play” icon hiding faces on the face recognition episode preview.
  • #38885 Fixed the issue with to long execution of person saving request in old Watcher UI.
  • #39016 (UI) Fixed HTTP 400 when changing the sorting conditions on the Episodes page.

Flussonic Central 24.04 представляет новые возможности: расширенные функции API для получения конфигураций и статистики, упрощенное управление отключенными агентами и потоками, а также улучшенные возможности устранения неполадок. Кроме того, включение оператора Central упрощает развертывание в кластерах Kubernetes, обеспечивая бесшовную интеграцию и масштабируемость для современных стриминговых инфраструктур.


  • #33226 Added the GET /config method returning the current Central’s configuration and stats.
  • #37861 Added the support for disabled status of Agents and streams in GET /cluster/stats.
  • #38174 Added the logging for HTTP 404 responses to API requests to facilitate troubleshooting.
  • #38374 Implemented Central operator for launching Central in Kubernetes cluster. The operator supports provisioning of Flussonic pods to Central and can be used in Watcher Helm Chart.


  • #37739 Improved the format of license in the /etc/central/central.conf.d/license.conf file.
  • #37904 Supported the ability to provision restreamer with a link to the stream on other streamer. This improvement will allow to request any stream from any streamer in the cluster managed by Central.
  • #38212 (API) Added the layouter schema so that to allow creating custom stream layout managers.
  • #38293 Fixed the validation of sha256 field to generate an error when invalid value is passed.
  • #38373 The deprecated streamer_hostname is now used for indicating the current ingest streamer but not for setting it.
  • #38446 Improved the logging of missing license error to indicate that the issues with license are info level messages.
  • #38551 (API) Added the bitrate_metrics_total stats to GET /cluster/stats showing the total incoming and outgoing bitrate for all streamers.
  • #38552 (API) The network parameter in cluster node stats divided to in and out bandwidth; added total_bandwidth for streamer stats. This makes the stats more useful for monitoring.
  • #38553 (API) The streamer uptime is now returned among other streamer metrics in response to cluster status request.
  • #38752 Implemented the ability to set the token for registration of cluster nodes at Central, for example at installation of Flussonic on the streamer. This token will allow for a non-interactive installation at all the servers of your cluster with no need to configure the streamers individually.
  • #38774 (API) Added the stub for srt_port_resolve method in Central API so that the API corresponded to config_external schema that it should implement.
  • #38775 (API) Fixed the issue with labels parameter nested within itself in the streamer schema.
  • #38870 (API) Implemented the sorting of streams by layout.ingest (i.e. the current streamer where the stream runs) so that you can find out which streamer the stream is running on.


  • #34114 Fixed the issue with the links to DVR on a deleted streamer persisting in the stream config.
  • #36817 Fixed the provisioning of incorrect m4fs:// URLs making the archive playback over HTTPS impossible.
  • #37922 Fixed the issue with Central not returning headers in response to GET /streams according to the API schema.
  • #38229 Fixed the issue with Agent not connecting back after the system restart.
  • #38282 Fixed HTTP 500 returned in response to GET /cluster/stats/.
  • #38285 (API) Fixed the issue with incorrect data in GET /cluster/stats response.
  • #38441 Fixed the issue with alive Agents not moved properly from one streamer to another when the stream is moved.
  • #38509 Fixed the issue with Agents not operating with layouter disabled.
  • #38692 Fixed the issue with the stream not allocated to the analytics node after enabling the vision.alg for it.
  • #38700 Fixed the issue with deleted Agents displayed with Outage error in the UI instead of ton being displayed at all.
  • #38863 Fixed the issue with streams without vision being allocated to the analytics nodes.


Flussonic Media Server 24.03 представляет такие функции, как доступ к экрану во время трансляции для WebRTC Player на, бесшовный рестриминг в социальные сети с IP-камер, повышение эффективности работы DVR за счет периодического опроса источников M4F. Об этих новых фичах и других исправлениях читайте ниже!


  • #9205 (Flussonic) Added the ability to add a silent audio track to video-only streams like from IP cameras with output_audio add_aac. This allows such streams playback in an environment requiring audio, such as social media or some TVs.
  • #9572 (Flussonic) Added support for periodical M4F sources polling for DVR info even for inactive On-demand streams. This allows for traffic savings due to eliminating the need for live on-demand stream activation when requesting its archive and reduces zap time.
  • #18470 (Flussonic) Added full HTTP/2 support for all endpoints including the Streaming API and API v3. This improves the Admin UI performance and allows reducing CPU load by reusing the connection via HLS and DASH.
  • #22967 (Flussonic) Added the support for pushing SRT with constant bitrate which is useful when receiver software or hardware requires CBR.
  • #33388 (Coder) Added the integration with Streamlabs USB-IO boards for switching stream inputs by pressing hardware buttons.
  • #33979 (Flussonic) Added the ability to use Opus codec in LL-HLS output.
  • #34065 (Flussonic) Added the ability to get events from Beward intercoms via ONVIF.
  • #35513 (WebRTC Player) Added the support for resuming playback when changing the stream’s input. You can change the phone screen orientation (landscape or portrait) or switch from publishing input to file backup and backwards while enjoying smooth continuous playback.
  • #35812 (WebRTC Player) Added the ability to send MediaStreamTracks directly to Flussonic WebRTC Publisher using the inputStreams parameter of WebRTC Player. With this feature, you can let the caller select a publishing source (web camera, microphone, screencast, etc.) before publishing start.
  • #35796 Updated the general pages for Flussonic Media Server and Flussonic Watcher with a comprehensive list of their features.
  • #36189 Pages from the “Developers” section divided into other sections in accordance with their content.
  • #36497 Improved the description of Bearer Auth and Basic Auth in the API Reference to help you understand which data is needed for authorization and where to find them.
  • #36820 Updated the PDF version of our documentation to improve formatting, readability, and navigation.
  • #37012 The articles inside the solution sections were grouped to follow the solution’s pipeline.


  • #28858 (Flussonic) Our Erlang implementation of SRT is now enabled by default for all cases where SRT is in use.
  • #34156 (Flussonic) Our Erlang implementation of SRT is now enabled by default for publishing and playing. You do not have to change any settings to use it as the transition is completely seamless. With that new implementation, we will be able to solve the SRT issues faster and more efficiently. Feel free to contact us if you encounter any troubles.
  • #34480 (Flussonic API) Implemented the use of resource_id parameter instead of meta drm_id in the config file to avoid the ambiguity of the meta parameter.
  • #34996 (Flussonic) Improved the CMAF packetizer to make the first start of LL-HLS streams playback faster by avoiding unnecessary buffering.
  • #35647 (Flussonic) Improved the info about GPUs in Prometheus: the device_id is now returned among other OpenMetrics parameters to distinguish between the boards and facilitate their monitoring.
  • #35717 (UI) Implemented the use of resource_id parameter in the UI instead of the obsolete and ambiguous meta parameter.
  • #35809 (Flussonic) Improved the stability of our implementation of SRT.
  • #35815 (WebRTC Player) Updated the description of onEvent() to list it as an option instead of method in the readme.
  • #35879 (DVR Player) Improved the timeline zoom in DVR player to allow faster positioning and navigation through the archive.
  • #35982 (Flussonic) Improved the logging of ad insertion process to facilitate troubleshooting.
  • #36043 (Flussonic) Improved the updater logging to hide messages about absence of errors.
  • #36192 (Flussonic) Flussonic now returns a proper error instead of silently ignoring the JPEG logo uploaded for transcoder. You should use only PNG for overlaying logo with transcoder, while the other ways of adding logo allow the use of other formats.
  • #36396 raspberry pico as a GPIO USB board for playout server to work with external buttons
  • #35633 Added the explanation of the license use when reinstalling OS or changing the server.
  • #36030 Updated the article about MPTS ingest to explain the cases where MPTS is used and make the instruction more clear.
  • #36183 The menu on the left was regrouped to remove the confusing “Products” section.
  • #36187 Added the high-level “IP cameras” menu group for video surveillance solutions based on Media Server.
  • #36188 All pages related to Central were removed from the documentation as providing no value to our customers.
  • #36197 Administrator’s instructions moved to the “Manuals & Guides” section.
  • #36200 Removed the parameter descriptions (mostly invalid) duplicating those in the API Reference. Remember that API Reference is always the most relevant and reliable source of information about any settings.
  • #36506 Added the “Manuals & Guides” section in the main documentation menu on the right. This section includes step-by-step configuration instructions.
  • #36868 Fixed the recommendation on configuring NTP for sending multicast to make it clear that Flussonic server should synchronize time with NTP server.
  • #37071 changed location of md files from two similar directories to one directory with multilang files
  • #34387 Added the demo for Flussonic’s implementation of Low-Latency HLS (LL-HLS). Check it out at
  • #34750 Added the demo for screen sharing with WebRTC Player. Check it out at


  • #9322 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with archive clean-up not performed when global DVR config is set for cloud storages like Amazon S3 or Swift.
  • #27011 (Flussonic) Fixed the artifacts when playing H.265 (HEVC) encoded RTSP caused by incorrect Fragmentation Units.
  • #32143 (Flussonic) Fixed segfaults appeared when restarting the stream received from a timeouted Dektec SDI source.
  • #32819 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with WebVTT subtitles disappearing in output stream after a short failure in the source with DVB subtitles.
  • #33659 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with spikes in CPU consumption that may have occurred when using a Guardant USB key for licensing. The use of Guardant does not affect the service any more.
  • #34053 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with #EXT-X-PART HLS segment duration exceeding PART-TARGET which was reported as must-fix error by Media Stream Validator and could prevent the stream from being played.
  • #34586 (Coder) Fixed the issue with the changes to static IP address not saved when configuring the streaming0 interface in the UI.
  • #34663 (DVR Player) Fixed the issue with DVR Player referring to Watcher API v2 instead of proper episodes URL to get data on episodes.
  • #34907 ASI output now has 100% PCR accuracy and zero PCR jitter
  • #35352 (Flussonic) Fixed the incorrect counting of clients for On-demand streams which resulted in watched stream stop.
  • #35744 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with stream ingest not performed when the protocol name was specified in upper case (for example, HTTP).
  • #35762 (WebRTC Player) Removed the obsolete onWebsocketClose() method from the readme.
  • #35861 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with negative value for EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE in HLS/EVENT DVR playlist.
  • #35890 (UI) Fixed the issue with “Input media info” not shown in the UI if any input except the one with the highest priority was active.
  • #35892 (UI) Fixed the issue with the player on the Overview tab not playing video when a custom token is used for session authorization.
  • #35899 (MSE-LD Player) Fixed the issue with MSE-LD playback freezing when switching back to video+audio track after an audioless track in embed.html player.
  • #35977 (Flussonic) The memory allocation mechanism has been tweaked to save resources and avoid out of memory errors.
  • #35979 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with the copy:// source for EIT in MPTS copying only one program’s EPG.
  • #36024 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with LL-HLS playback of on-demand streams interrupted even if there were clients watching them.
  • #36172 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with Flussonic SRT authorization and connection errors returned to the Caller (player) as unknown errors without proper descriptive messages.
  • #36178 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with the number of active play sessions incorrectly displayed in the UI.
  • #36179 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with incorrect SSL flags in playback sessions.
  • #36276 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with DVB-T2 ingest not performed because of unnecessary T2 MI decapsulation.
  • #36390 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with trimming when pushing CBR UDP from an uneven source.
  • #36765 (Coder) Fixed the issue with incorrect saving of static IP address on manage0 interface.
  • #36816 (Flussonic) Fixed the HTTP 500 error returned by recording_status.json request if an invalid archive source is specified.

Flussonic Watcher 24.03

Предоставьте своим абонентам возможность защитить доступ к мобильному приложению с помощью PIN-кода. Благодаря новой функции в интерфейсе администратора Watcher вы можете легко поделиться ссылкой на камеру через вкладку Sharing. И это еще не все! Полный список изменений ниже.

Watcher documentation


  • #34064 (UI) Added the ability to use PIN code for authorization in Watcher Client UI (PWA). Users can set the PIN when logging into the app or on the Security tab in their profile.
  • #36104 (UI) Added the camera list page in Watcher Admin UI. All cameras are listed there but the video is not available to ensure privacy. This page is designed for troubleshooting the issues reported by your users.
  • #33714 (Iris) Implemented the H.264, H.265 and JPEG codecs settings in Iris for cameras with SSC30К (YCX) chipset.
  • #36460 (Iris) Implemented the auto day/night mode switching in Iris for cameras with SSC30К (YCX) chipset.
  • #36923 Designed the API for attendance report. It will help you find out who visited the premises during a specified time interval.
  • #35875 Added the article about how our video analytics solution may help you find records of unregistered visitors when investigating an incident on private facility.


  • #34067 (UI) Improved the Watcher Client UI (PWA) loading page to better indicate that the loading is in progress.
  • #34461 (UI) Improved the indication of HTTPS being required for push messages to be delivered.
  • #36811 Improved the stability of Watcher NVR status indication.
  • #37179 (UI) Added the Streamers page for managing streamers in Watcher Admin UI. There are more settings on the Streamers page than on Health page in Watcher UI.
  • #37220 Watcher can now tell the UI which pages are allowed to the users according to their permissions so that the UI could display or hide corresponding menu items.
  • #37243 Improved the Watcher installation script to avoid using curl as it may not be installed and use wget instead.
  • #37404 (Iris) The HAL module for cameras with SigmaStar SSC30К (YCX) chipset implemented as a separate binary file.
  • #34546 Added the instructions on installing video analytics.


  • #32011 Fixed the issue with episodes of cameras unavailable to admin displayed on the Events tab in grey making it look like the system functions incorrectly. Only the episodes from permitted cameras are now displayed.
  • #33881 Fixed the crashes of Watcher Mobile app at launch.
  • #34179 Fixed the issue with events database not cleared according to the storage depth settings.
  • #34476 (UI) Fixed the issue with “back to live” button not shown when browsing the archive in Watcher UI.
  • #35000 (UI) Fixed the issue with output bitrate incorrectly displayed on the Health page. Please use the new Streamers page for monitoring the correct bitrate.
  • #36348 (UI) Fixed the issue with zero duration of an episode downloaded from the list of episodes in Watcher Client UI (PWA).
  • #36355 Fixed the issue with installation of Watcher on ARM64 architecture.
  • #36750 Eliminated the motion events duplicates.
  • #36828 Removed the false error message “Config external error while refresh” showed when the streamer status was actually OK.
  • #36856 (UI) Fixed some issues with localization in Watcher UI.
  • #37237 Fixed the issue with Central not starting when newly installing Watcher.
  • #37260 Fixed the issue with some subservices not restarting automatically when updating Watcher.
  • #37815 (UI) Fixed the issue with the “back” button in the camera viewing page returning to the previous episode instead of Cameras page.

Представляем последнюю версию Flussonic Central 24.03! В этом обновлении представлены новые возможности, расширяющие функциональность и адаптивность платформы, а так же исправили некоторые баги, чтобы сделать вашу работу с Flussonic Central ещё более комфортной.


  • #31786 Added the compatibility of Flussonic Vision video analytics module with Central. Vision is now adapted to run in scalable distributed systems.
  • #37121 Implemented the POST /streams/layouts method for batch updating stream layout (replaces the batch stream saving method).
  • #37230 Added the GET /api_tokens/{name} method for retrieving the specific auth token. This is required for integration of third party analytics with Central.
  • #37574 Implemented the auto update of the Agent’s layout when layout of the corresponding stream changes.
  • #37729 Added the layouter_enabled config parameter to disable Central’s built-in layouter so that you could use your own implementation.
  • #37814 Added the GET /cluster/stats method returning the health information for all entities in the cluster managed by Central.


  • #37289 Improved the Central update process to support auto restart of the service.
  • #37381 Added the ability to manage the Agent’s layout and batch update the Agents layouts.


  • #37119 Fixed the issue with /monitoring/readiness and /monitoring/liveness requests requiring authorization which prevented their use for checking if Central is ready for handling other requests.
  • #37250 Fixed the issue with episode duplicates sent by Central to event subscribers.
  • #37735 Fixed the issue with Central not sending some updates on generic episodes at longpoll.
  • #37744 Fixed the issue with logs indicating problems with license and server ID files when running Central in a containerized environment even though environment variables shall be used instead of those files in such case.


Flussonic Media Server 24.02 представляет такие функции, как доступ к экрану во время трансляции для WebRTC Player на, бесшовный рестриминг в социальные сети с IP-камер, повышение эффективности работы DVR за счет периодического опроса источников M4F. Об этих новых фичах и других исправлениях читайте ниже!


  • #9205 (Flussonic) Added the ability to add a silent audio track to video-only streams like from IP cameras with output_audio add_aac. This allows such streams playback in an environment requiring audio, such as social media or some TVs.
  • #9572 (Flussonic) Added support for periodical M4F sources polling for DVR info even for inactive On-demand streams. This allows for traffic savings due to eliminating the need for live on-demand stream activation when requesting its archive and reduces zap time.
  • #18470 (Flussonic) Added full HTTP/2 support for all endpoints including the Streaming API and API v3. This improves the Admin UI performance and allows reducing CPU load by reusing the connection via HLS and DASH.
  • #22967 (Flussonic) Added the support for pushing SRT with constant bitrate which is useful when receiver software or hardware requires CBR.
  • #33388 (Coder) Added the integration with Streamlabs USB-IO boards for switching stream inputs by pressing hardware buttons.
  • #33979 (Flussonic) Added the ability to use Opus codec in LL-HLS output.
  • #34065 (Flussonic) Added the ability to get events from Beward intercoms via ONVIF.
  • #35513 (WebRTC Player) Added the support for resuming playback when changing the stream’s input. You can change the phone screen orientation (landscape or portrait) or switch from publishing input to file backup and backwards while enjoying smooth continuous playback.
  • #35812 (WebRTC Player) Added the ability to send MediaStreamTracks directly to Flussonic WebRTC Publisher using the inputStreams parameter of WebRTC Player. With this feature, you can let the caller select a publishing source (web camera, microphone, screencast, etc.) before publishing start.
  • #35796 Updated the general pages for Flussonic Media Server and Flussonic Watcher with a comprehensive list of their features.
  • #36189 Pages from the “Developers” section divided into other sections in accordance with their content.
  • #36497 Improved the description of Bearer Auth and Basic Auth in the API Reference to help you understand which data is needed for authorization and where to find them.
  • #36820 Updated the PDF version of our documentation to improve formatting, readability, and navigation.
  • #37012 The articles inside the solution sections were grouped to follow the solution’s pipeline.


  • #28858 (Flussonic) Our Erlang implementation of SRT is now enabled by default for all cases where SRT is in use.
  • #34156 (Flussonic) Our Erlang implementation of SRT is now enabled by default for publishing and playing. You do not have to change any settings to use it as the transition is completely seamless. With that new implementation, we will be able to solve the SRT issues faster and more efficiently. Feel free to contact us if you encounter any troubles.
  • #34480 (Flussonic API) Implemented the use of resource_id parameter instead of meta drm_id in the config file to avoid the ambiguity of the meta parameter.
  • #34996 (Flussonic) Improved the CMAF packetizer to make the first start of LL-HLS streams playback faster by avoiding unnecessary buffering.
  • #35647 (Flussonic) Improved the info about GPUs in Prometheus: the device_id is now returned among other OpenMetrics parameters to distinguish between the boards and facilitate their monitoring.
  • #35717 (UI) Implemented the use of resource_id parameter in the UI instead of the obsolete and ambiguous meta parameter.
  • #35809 (Flussonic) Improved the stability of our implementation of SRT.
  • #35815 (WebRTC Player) Updated the description of onEvent() to list it as an option instead of method in the readme.
  • #35879 (DVR Player) Improved the timeline zoom in DVR player to allow faster positioning and navigation through the archive.
  • #35982 (Flussonic) Improved the logging of ad insertion process to facilitate troubleshooting.
  • #36043 (Flussonic) Improved the updater logging to hide messages about absence of errors.
  • #36192 (Flussonic) Flussonic now returns a proper error instead of silently ignoring the JPEG logo uploaded for transcoder. You should use only PNG for overlaying logo with transcoder, while the other ways of adding logo allow the use of other formats.
  • #36396 raspberry pico as a GPIO USB board for playout server to work with external buttons
  • #35633 Added the explanation of the license use when reinstalling OS or changing the server.
  • #36030 Updated the article about MPTS ingest to explain the cases where MPTS is used and make the instruction more clear.
  • #36183 The menu on the left was regrouped to remove the confusing “Products” section.
  • #36187 Added the high-level “IP cameras” menu group for video surveillance solutions based on Media Server.
  • #36188 All pages related to Central were removed from the documentation as providing no value to our customers.
  • #36197 Administrator’s instructions moved to the “Manuals & Guides” section.
  • #36200 Removed the parameter descriptions (mostly invalid) duplicating those in the API Reference. Remember that API Reference is always the most relevant and reliable source of information about any settings.
  • #36506 Added the “Manuals & Guides” section in the main documentation menu on the right. This section includes step-by-step configuration instructions.
  • #36868 Fixed the recommendation on configuring NTP for sending multicast to make it clear that Flussonic server should synchronize time with NTP server.
  • #37071 changed location of md files from two similar directories to one directory with multilang files
  • #34387 Added the demo for Flussonic’s implementation of Low-Latency HLS (LL-HLS). Check it out at
  • #34750 Added the demo for screen sharing with WebRTC Player. Check it out at


  • #9322 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with archive clean-up not performed when global DVR config is set for cloud storages like Amazon S3 or Swift.
  • #27011 (Flussonic) Fixed the artifacts when playing H.265 (HEVC) encoded RTSP caused by incorrect Fragmentation Units.
  • #32143 (Flussonic) Fixed segfaults appeared when restarting the stream received from a timeouted Dektec SDI source.
  • #32819 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with WebVTT subtitles disappearing in output stream after a short failure in the source with DVB subtitles.
  • #33659 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with spikes in CPU consumption that may have occurred when using a Guardant USB key for licensing. The use of Guardant does not affect the service any more.
  • #34053 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with #EXT-X-PART HLS segment duration exceeding PART-TARGET which was reported as must-fix error by Media Stream Validator and could prevent the stream from being played.
  • #34586 (Coder) Fixed the issue with the changes to static IP address not saved when configuring the streaming0 interface in the UI.
  • #34663 (DVR Player) Fixed the issue with DVR Player referring to Watcher API v2 instead of proper episodes URL to get data on episodes.
  • #34907 ASI output now has 100% PCR accuracy and zero PCR jitter
  • #35352 (Flussonic) Fixed the incorrect counting of clients for On-demand streams which resulted in watched stream stop.
  • #35744 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with stream ingest not performed when the protocol name was specified in upper case (for example, HTTP).
  • #35762 (WebRTC Player) Removed the obsolete onWebsocketClose() method from the readme.
  • #35861 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with negative value for EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE in HLS/EVENT DVR playlist.
  • #35890 (UI) Fixed the issue with “Input media info” not shown in the UI if any input except the one with the highest priority was active.
  • #35892 (UI) Fixed the issue with the player on the Overview tab not playing video when a custom token is used for session authorization.
  • #35899 (MSE-LD Player) Fixed the issue with MSE-LD playback freezing when switching back to video+audio track after an audioless track in embed.html player.
  • #35977 (Flussonic) The memory allocation mechanism has been tweaked to save resources and avoid out of memory errors.
  • #35979 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with the copy:// source for EIT in MPTS copying only one program’s EPG.
  • #36024 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with LL-HLS playback of on-demand streams interrupted even if there were clients watching them.
  • #36172 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with Flussonic SRT authorization and connection errors returned to the Caller (player) as unknown errors without proper descriptive messages.
  • #36178 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with the number of active play sessions incorrectly displayed in the UI.
  • #36179 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with incorrect SSL flags in playback sessions.
  • #36276 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with DVB-T2 ingest not performed because of unnecessary T2 MI decapsulation.
  • #36390 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with trimming when pushing CBR UDP from an uneven source.
  • #36765 (Coder) Fixed the issue with incorrect saving of static IP address on manage0 interface.
  • #36816 (Flussonic) Fixed the HTTP 500 error returned by recording_status.json request if an invalid archive source is specified.

Представляем Flussonic Watcher 24.02, в котором мы вывели на новый уровень возможности мониторинга! Но это еще не все - мы тщательно поработали над различными улучшениями и исправлениями ошибок, чтобы обеспечить первоклассный опыт наблюдения.


  • #15188 Added the support for 5x5, 6x6, 8x8 mosaic sizes in Watcher API v2.
  • #21775 You can now add up to 64 cameras to the mosaics in Watcher UI. Just choose the size in the mosaics editor: 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, or 8x8.


  • #33313 Improved the support for cameras that provide slow connection via ONVIF.
  • #35777 The network statistics in the streamer list in Watcher UI is now enabled by default.
  • #35821 Refactored the mechanism of instant analytics events to use the Long Polling technology. The analytics messages can be used for receiving push messages in Watcher mobile app or for integration with access control systems.
  • #35912 Added the ability to stop, start, and restart flussonic-watcher service with all its dependencies. This is required to stop Watcher for creating a consistent backup.
  • #36052 Removed the storage of Agent metrics in Redis and Prometheus monitoring for them as those functions were excessive and needless. Abandonment of Redis, when finished, will facilitate the Watcher use in a cluster or container orchestration system like Kubernetes.
  • #36233 Improved the indication of authentication error when connecting to the camera via ONVIF.
  • #36387 Simplified the Vision module installation by eliminating the need to add the NVIDIA repository.
  • #36627 Fixed HTTP 403 error when embedding cameras extra protected by authorization with token.
  • #36798 Watcher installation wizard was improved to support the /central/api/v3 API endpoints.


  • #34032 Fixed the issue with updating XM firmware from Watcher UI. Please note that you should update both Watcher and Media Server for the fix to be available.
  • #35506 Fixed the process of binding persons and episodes with consideration of Organizations. If added to several Organizations, the person is updated only in the same Organization as the camera where it was detected. When a person is recognized on a camera in an Organization to which the person is not added, the event is not raised.
  • #35540 (UI) Fixed the issue with branding logo in .svg format not displayed in Watcher Client UI (PWA).
  • #35716 (UI) Fixed the issue with the position in camera list dropped when opening a camera and then returning back to the camera list in Watcher Client UI (PWA).
  • #36033 Removed the NVR config provisioning from Watcher as it is now configured on Central side.
  • #36182 (UI) Fixed the issue with crashing ONVIF settings tab in the camera profile in Watcher UI.
  • #36295 Fixed the issue with camera folders and Organizations reset to default (assigned at first provisioning) when reprovisioning the same cameras with Agents.
  • #36307 Fixed the issue with the disabled cameras displayed as online in the UI.
  • #36556 Fixed the issue with signing into Watcher Client UI (PWA).
  • #36591 (UI) Fixed the issue with person get request not executed when you select a person in the list at Watcher UI.
  • #36603 Fixed the issue with displaying that push notifications are enabled for a user who did not enable it if that user logged into Watcher Client UI after the user who enabled the notification.
  • #36619 Fixed HTTP 500 error when saving a person in Watcher.
  • #36770 Fixed the issue with Agents not provisioned to Central when imported to Watcher.

Представляем вам обновленную версию Central 24.02, в которой мы сделали акцент на расширением возможностей управления и мониторинга аналитики Central, а также включили другие важные улучшения и исправления ошибок.


  • #34906 Implemented the display of the number of online streams on analytics nodes.
  • #35516 Supported the layouting of streams with analytics enabled between analytics nodes only; failover and stream limits are also available.
  • #35827 The status and last_detection_at data are now collected for the streams with analytics to facilitate troubleshooting.


  • #35182 Improved the stream layouting to speed up stream allocation at the first launch or restart of Central by immediately launching the layouter.
  • #35811 Implemented liveness_probe and readiness_probe methods allowing you to check whether Central is started and ready to use. This is helpful when deploying your cluster in Kubernetes or other container orchestration system.
  • #36436 Added the ability to get from Central.
  • #36551 Improved the events filtering by camera name.
  • #36624 Added the ability to set the stream’s layout and the batch stream save operation for setting the layout for a bunch or all streams.


  • #35993 Fixed the issue with streaming endpoint hostname not assigned to Agents.
  • #36494 Fixed the issue with NVR Agents resetting unexpectedly some time after activation.
  • #36547 Fixed the issue with stats for identification nodes not saved leading to the analytics events not shown.
  • #36616 Fixed the issue with the stream stats returned for disabled streams making them appear as online/alive. The stats are now cleared when disabling a stream.
  • #36760 Fixed the issue with streams allocated to analytics nodes while not being ingested on any streamer.
  • #36761 Fixed the issue with person previews not saved for persons created by the analytics module making it impossible for the user to identify the person.
  • #36832 Fixed the issue with Agent disconnections caused by the streampoint key resetting after streamer update.
  • #36843 Fixed HTTP 500 error when requesting the Agent update.
  • #36847 Fixed the issue with streams not allocated to streamers when created from Watcher.
  • #36849 Fixed the issue with episode previews not updated when the episode was updated by an analytics node which resulted in low quality of the preview in Central.
  • #36861 Fixed the issue with Central not returning stats for analytics nodes.
  • #37022 The Central’s environment variables now have the CENTRAL_ prefix.


Мы вступаем в 2024 год с новой версией (24.01) Flussonic Media Server. В первом в этом году обновлении Media Server мы с гордостью представляем вам наши демо, разработанные специально для того, чтобы вы могли проверить возможности WebRTC для организации и проведения видеовстреч, публикации SRT с динамическим портом и DVR Player. Все эти демо доступны на сайте

И это еще не все! Мы также подготовили кучу новых функций и улучшений (и конечно, исправили ошибки) в самой свежей, как январские морозы, версии Flussonic Media Server!


  • #15418 (DVR Player) Supported LL-HLS playback in embed.html. You can use ?realtime=true&proto=ll-hls query string to request it from the server.
  • #24926 (Flussonic) Implemented a framework for appliance firmware creation.
  • #26826 (Flussonic) Supported FairPlay encryption of HLS HEVC fMP4 streams for all DRM providers.
  • #32762 (Flussonic) Flussonic can now accept publications from Cisco CMS via RTMP.
  • #34074 (DVR Player) Finalized the implementation of the archive fragment downloading from DVR Player. You can check it out in the DVR Demo.
  • #35454 (Flussonic) Supported DVB subtitles conversion to WebVTT for SRT published streams.
  • #35517 (Flussonic) Added the ability to use several words divided by space in push or input descriptions.
  • #35576 (Flussonic) Implemented the ability of Flussonic Media Server to proxy requests to Central installed on the same server. This feature can be used in single-server Watcher installations.
  • #35623 (Flussonic) Our own SRT implementation (just like the previous one based on libsrt) supports key refresh which is important for long-time broadcasts.
  • #35706 (Flussonic) Added the config_external_success event indicating that the configuration backend is requested successfully.
  • #33203 The article about creating your own IPTV channel was updated with instructions on ad insertion.
  • #34899 Fixed the example of Prometheus configuration to include a more clear targets example.
  • #35155 Demo WebRTC call is available at It demonstrates the Flussonic WebRTC capabilities in a video chat room.
  • #35360 Added the demo of SRT publishing with dynamic port at The port changes every time you update the page. You can push your stream via SRT from OBS Studio, Larix Broadcaster, ffmpeg, Flussonic Media Server, etc. The stream instantly shows in the player.
  • #35733 Added the demo of DVR Player at You can watch live video and archive of a CCTV camera and download the archive fragments.


  • #33851 (WebRTC Player) Updated the readme for Flussonic WebRTC Player npm package to add missing descriptions of methods like screenShare() and options like start_track.
  • #34460 (Flussonic) Improved memory allocation to enhance general system performance.
  • #35062 (Flussonic) Improved the H.265 (HEVC) transcoding to optimize CPU utilization.
  • #35087 (UI) The cluster key is no longer required when creating a streamer in Central Admin UI because you don’t need the cluster key for video analytics streamer roles.
  • #35208 (Flussonic) Improved our Erlang SRT Listener to support single port for play and publish in the same way as in the libsrt implementation.
  • #35698 (Flussonic API) Improved the requests routing with config_external enabled to bypass internal HTTP requests.
  • #35727 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with RTMP push restarting every time the source is disconnected by timeout with backup file configured.
  • #35778 (Flussonic) Improved the archive cleanup process to exclude unnecessary operations.
  • #35789 (UI) Updated the name of the inference streamer role in Central Admin UI to make in clear that it should be selected when vision-inference package is installed on the corresponding streamer.
  • #35865 (Flussonic API) Moved srt_port_resolve to stream stats.
  • #36006 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with unnecessary information in logs about disabled playback protocols.
  • #29042 Added transcoder instructions to the [IPTV/OTT quick start] page.
  • #31371 Added the article about the use of firewall and why you don’t need it on servers with Flussonic.
  • #33753 The Filtering collections principle of Flussonic API design was updated to clarify that _is and _is_not filters are only applied for comparison with NULL.
  • #34116 Updated the MSE Player page to remove obsolete information about use without npm and synchronous playback of several DVRs at the same time.
  • #34627 Described the option for copying EIT with EPG from a specified source to MPTS.
  • #34655 Fixed the link to API on the SRT page, fixed the description of the latency parameter used for SRT input and SRT push.
  • #35289 Added the sentence about various disk size allowed in [Flussonic RAID for DVR](
  • #35465 LL-HLS Playback instructions moved to the separate page and updated according the latest changes in the API and UI.


  • #31284 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with ad_splice insertion when passing SCTE-35 markers through Flussonic leading to creation of too short segments that caused bad_segment message in logs and too long buffering.
  • #31993 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with SPTS streams duplication when standby is enabled.
  • #32827 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with about one second part of the file cut when transcoding it with file_processor.
  • #33995 (Flussonic) Improved RTSP playback stability for VLC and some other players.
  • #34023 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with server playlist crashing when reading some files with specific subtitle timings.
  • #34200 (Flussonic) Fixed the freeze before injected ads in segments with subtitles.
  • #34345 (DVR Player) Fixed the issue with DVR Player showing black screen instead of the archive in the Dashboard mode in Watcher UI.
  • #34672 (Flussonic API) Fixed the HTTP 500 error returned by openapi_handler when required fields were missing in select query string request.
  • #34715 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with transcoder failing and not restarting properly after a specific minor source failure.
  • #34748 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with the actual ASI output bitrate being eight times higher than specified in the config.
  • #34820 (DVR Player) Fixed the issue with fast playback not starting without changing playback position on the timeline in Safari at iOS 17.1.1.
  • #34910 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with Media Info changes causing stream restart.
  • #35084 (DVR Player) Fixed the issue with playback freezes in Chrome when selecting points on the timeline one after another.
  • #35109 (Flussonic API) Fixed the HTTP 500 error returned in response to PUT /transponders/{name} when PID bitrate is higher than multiplexer bitrate. HTTP 400 with pid_bitrate_higher_than_transponder_bitrate message is now returned instead.
  • #35231 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with On-demand stream not starting when requesting its playback via RTSP.
  • #35305 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with too often update checks causing excessive CPU load on the server.
  • #35345 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with Media Server requesting the list of episodes from Central in a wrong way and being unable to delete the expired episodes recording as a result.
  • #35361 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with update not performed from the UI.
  • #35383 (WebRTC Player) Fixed the issue with native controls in WebRTC Player not disabled by default and interfering with custom controls.
  • #35444 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with exporting more than hour-long archive to an MP4 file on the server disk via the API interrupted by a timeout.
  • #35547 (Flussonic) Fixed the inconclusive error messages in logs indicating that IPTV plugin is not enabled or configured.
  • #35565 (DVR Player) Fixed the inability to scale and hover over the frame when the stream is paused.
  • #35691 (Flussonic) Fixed HTTP 500 error appeared when playing DVR from Amazon S3 over segment-based protocols when copying is configured and the segments that are not yet in memory are requested.
  • #35705 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with archive cleaner reporting in logs about inability to delete already deleted archive blobs.
  • #35863 (DVR Player) Fixed the issue with numbers cropped in the archive fragment selection box.
  • #35876 (DVR Player) Fixed the issue with the “play” button displayed instead of “pause” when autoplay is enabled.
  • #35959 (Flussonic) Fixed the issue with SHOUTcast crashes leading to session interruptions.
  • #35566 Fixed the issue with main page opening instead of specific ticket when tapping a push message about a new answer in the ticket.

В версии Watcher 24.01 мы представили новые функции, такие как усовершенствованная шкала времени, оптимизированная настройка видеоаналитики, DVR Player для удобного выбора и загрузки фрагментов архива, а также проксирование запросов к Central для масштабируемости и оптимизации ресурсов, а также исправили некоторые баги.

Попробуйте новую версию Watcher и станьте частью его эволюции.


  • #35048 (UI) The timeline scale increased to show records for the last hour by default facilitating the archive navigation.
  • #33206 timelapse option is enabled for watcher ui users.


  • #31964 (UI) Deleted the “Vision” setting from streamer profile in Watcher UI. The relevant way of configuring the video analytics will be available in our documentation as soon as possible.
  • #35694 Supported the routing of API requests with /central prefix to Central.


  • #30906 (UI) Fixed the issue with filtering on the Events page in Watcher UI resulted in emptying the Events page.
  • #33670 Fixed the issue with unrecognized persons not appearing in the event list and in the Lists of Persons.
  • #34121 Fixed the issue with two or three push notifications on one event in Watcher Client UI (PWA).
  • #34687 Fixed the issue with branding logo applying only after clearing the cache.
  • #34986 (UI) Fixed the display of events and player controls on the camera page of Watcher Client UI (PWA) when viewed in landscape orientation on mobile devices.
  • #35466 (UI) Fixed the issue with NVR cameras not played in the DVR Player when listed on a second or greater page in the camera list in Watcher UI.
  • #35601 Fixed the issue with Watcher not being able to connect with a camera via ONVIF when the camera responded with a minimum GetNTP response.
  • #35967 Fixed HTTP 400 error returned in response to GET /persons when persons in the old format were present in the database.

Flussonic Central 24.01 - это первое в 2024 году обновление, включающее в себя технологию Long Polling для ускорения доставки эпизодов, упрощенное подключение камер к агентам, улучшенную масштабируемость за счет упрощенного развертывания стримеров, оптимизированную обработку фингерпринтов лиц, улучшенное распределение эпизодов для решения задач видеоаналитики и многое другое. Откройте для себя новые возможности Flussonic Central в свежем выпуске 24.01.


  • #31270 Enhanced the delivery of episodes to Watcher or other client application by using the Long Polling technique. This will help decrease the delay when using episodes for access control like opening door by a recognized face or opening gates by a recognized license plate.
  • #35196 Assigning Agent with a streampoint is made independable from the layouter to allow the camera connection even if the layouter is unavailable.
  • #35671 Supported the /central/api/v3/ API path along with the /streamer/api/v3/ to distinguish the services installed on the same server without configuring different ports.
  • #35918 Implemented the storing of updated_at in the Central’s database to avoid possible desynchronization and episode loss.
  • #36132 Added the ability to disable provisioning of configuration from Central to streamers. It is useful when you deploy your streamers in Kubernetes or other orchestration system. Set CLUSTER_NODE_CONFIG_PROVISION_ENABLED = false to use this feature.


  • #35259 Improved the distribution of episodes between the analytics nodes to allow Central push episodes batches for identification. This increases control over the results of episodes processing on the analytics nodes and provideы means for handling any errors that may be encountered during the episodes processing.
  • #35377 Improved the check for episode validity to forbid episodes with updated_at=0 and started_at=0 because such values do not make sense and may prevent validation by other services.
  • #35395 Improved the face fingerprint handling in Central to exclude merging data and utilize only the relevant data returned by the analytics nodes. This improvement increases the system performance.
  • #35402 Improved the validation of returned person list to exclude persons with invalid photos.
  • #35515 Renamed the name parameter to media to avoid confusion and highlight that the parameter has the same meaning as in GET /episodes.
  • #35597 Improved the episodes fetching from Vision Inference by implementing the polling technique to reduce the delay between the episode start and its appearance in Central.
  • #35617 Renamed vision role to inference to reflect that this role corresponds to vision-inference package.
  • #35696 Updated the config_external and central_event_collector URLs to use /central prefix instead of /streamer.
  • #36008 Default HTTP timeouts increased up to 60 seconds to improve Central operation in Watcher software package.
  • #36009 Removed the event sinks enabled/disabled setting because there is no need in disabling it.
  • #36040 Increased the system security by removing the password and API key generation when installing Central as part of Watcher software package. The users shall set the password themselves in order to use Central Admin UI.
  • #36044 Removed the SINGLE_INSTALLATION config parameter to facilitate scaling.
  • #36154 Central’s default port is now 9019.


  • #35249 Fixed the issue with GET /episodes request with filter by updated_at returning not all the detections present in the database because the updated_at value was processed by Central in a wrong way.
  • #35265 Fixed the issue with streams moved to another streamer at failover not returning to the streamer specified in their settings after that streamer has restored after failure.
  • #35501 Fixed the issue with Central continuing to provision a stream to analytics nodes after vision is disabled on the stream.
  • #35571 Fixed the issue with updated_atsynchronization ensuring its uniqueness for every episode.
  • #35610 Fixed the issue with updated_at value not updated for the episodes received from the analytics nodes.
  • #35684 Fixed the issue with the streams having vision enabled not allocated to inference nodes.
  • #35922 Fixed the issue with scheme parameter not applied when executing GET /streams request.
  • #35923 Fixed the issue with analytics not working if cluster_key is not specified in Central which is wrong because cluster_key is not required for analytics nodes.
  • #36026 Fixed the issue with Agent statuses incorrectly probed by Central leading to incorrect expectations of the Agent allocation to streamers.